Monday, May 27, 2024


I'm currently on a writing assignment (besides blogging) so I'm ducking out for a while and front-loading posts in advance. The content will have less of my comments, but you'll still get your daily dose of monsters!

Kicking off Monster Sci-Fi Week is this story from SUPER-SCIENCE FICTION (April 1959), "The Huge and Hideous Beasts", by James Rosenquest. This 'zine had a lot of stories written by authors (sometimes using pseudonyms) who would go on to have very successful careers. Robert Silverberg is one of them and during this period, he cranked out tens of thousands of words, including multiple thousands of words a day (!). Rosenquest's name shows up in a few other titles, but other than that he remains a mystery. And, he's not one of Silverberg's pen names.

NOTE: The cover art and illustration are by Ed Emsh.

More sci-fi monster stories tomorrow!

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