Tuesday, July 2, 2019


Aired on March 20 1964 the Season 5, Episode 25 entitled, "The Masks" was one of the stories that fell heavily into the "horror" category. A shocking tale exploiting man's greed, it was directed by Ida Lupino, and of course, scripted by Rod Serling. The Harper Family come to visit their dying wealthy grandfather, Jason Foster, in hopes of receiving the fortune in his will. However, each member of the family has a terrible life trait and they will end up paying for it at the hands of Jason Foster.

Now offered by MONSTERS IN MOTION is a line of vaccuform replica masks from the show. Sculpted by Trenton Krueger, they are available at $14.99 each.

Jason Foster is dying. He wears the skull mask.

Emily Harper being a cowardly hypochondriac, receives the mask of a sniveling coward.

Paula Harper is vain, constantly checking her appearance in the mirror. She receives the the mask of a self-obsessed narcissist.

Wilfred Harper is introverted and greedy, always thinking of everything in monetary terms. He in turn receives the mask of a miserable miser.

Wilfred Harper Jr. is an oafish, sadistic bully who enjoys causing pain and suffering. He in turn receives the mask of a twisted buffoon.

BONUS: Latex mask replica from the episode, "Eye of the Beholder".

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