Slated to be unveiled at this September's FantaCon is author John Szpunar's Xerox Ferox: The Wild World of the Horror Film Fanzine. Szpunar's Facebook page shows examples of what will presumably be content included in the book. Titles such as MIDNIGHT MARQUEE and THE LITTLE SHOPPE OF HORRORS will be represented, along with newsletter format 'zines and others.
While the title (Ferox means "fierce" in Latin, and is a nod to the ferocity of the self-publisher, I would surmise) mentions "fanzines", some pre-press promotional copy implies that it covers commercial magazines like FAMOUS MONSTERS OF FILMLAND as well. Outside of the sporadic release of monster magazine price guides over the years, this book could very well end up being the holy grail of monster magazine research to date.
Xerox Ferox wraparound cover art by Stephen Bissett. |
Here is the information seen at Barnes & Noble's web page:
Xerox Ferox Overview
From Famous Monsters of Filmland to Fangoria… and everything in
between, Xerox Ferox is much more than a book about monster magazines. It is
the first book of its kind to examine the home-grown DIY fanzines that dared to
dig deeper than the slick and shiny newsstand mags ever would... or indeed even
The titles were as lurid as the films that they covered. Gore Gazette.
Deep Red. Sleazoid Express. Before message boards, before blogs, before the
Internet itself, the fanzine reigned as the chief source of news and
information for horror fans worldwide. Often printed on the cheap and sold for
the price of postage, madcap mags like Slimetime, The Splatter Times, and
Subhuman traveled the globe, creating a thriving network of fans and
professionals alike.
Xerox Ferox traces the rise of the horror film fanzine, from the Famous
Monster-starved kids of the 1960s to the splatter-crazed gorehounds of the
Fangoria generation. Featuring in-depth interviews with over fifty writers,
editors, and industry pros, Xerox Ferox is the final word on an era that
changed the world of fandom forever.
Xerox Ferox is the first title to cover the horror film fanzine
phenomenon and culture in encyclopedic depth. The book also contains lengthy
chapters that deal with the New York zine scene and the hub of its grindhouse
activity, Times Square. In many ways, the book works as time capsule of that
era-writers and filmmakers including Jimmy McDonough, Bill Landis, Mike
McPadden, Steve Puchalski, Roy Frumkes, and Buddy Giovinazzo share their
memories of the movie houses of Forty Second Street-and the dangers that were encountered
while visiting them. Not limited to New York City, Xerox Ferox also
concentrates on the drive-in theaters of the south. Other topics discussed
include commercial Super-8 horror films of the 1960s and 1970s, the home video
revolution of the 1980s, regional exploitation films, low budget filmmaking,
and of course, self publishing, networking, and distribution.
Product Details
- ISBN-13: 9781909394100
- Publisher: Headpress
- Publication date:
- Pages: 400
- Product dimensions:
5.00 (w) x 7.75 (h) x 1.00 (d)
Meet the Author
John Szpunar is a freelance writer living in Detroit, Michigan. From
1998 to 2008, he co-ran Barrel Entertainment, a DVD company specializing in
arthouse, gore, and sleaze films from around the world. Xerox Ferox is his
first book of interviews.
Read an Excerpt
How I came to write this book (from the Introduction):
I started thinking about this book back in 2006. I had recently
interviewed Deep Red editor Chas. Balun and fanzine veteran Steve Bissette. My
idea at the time was to conduct and assemble a collection of interviews with
some of the key people involved in the old fanzine scene. Not just any zine
scene-I wanted to talk to the guys behind the horror film rags. Dirty little
things like Subhuman, Slimetime, and Sleazoid Express.
I began working on things in earnest, but I quickly realized that I had started
to spread myself way too thin. I started shelving a lot of the projects that I
was involved with, and Xerox Ferox was one of them.
In 2011, quite by happenstance, I stumbled upon some ancient floppy discs and
cassette tapes that had been patiently waiting in a box that I thought was long
gone. The dust covered thing was labeled (in rather crude printing) "Xerox
Ferox”. I decided to give the contents a once over, if only to relive a little
of my past.
Before I knew it, the past became a big part of my present. I started making
plans with myself to begin climbing the mountain that would eventually become
Xerox Ferox.
I started out by transcribing the tapes. Shit, this stuff was good. Really
good. But would anyone else be interested in a book about old fanzines? Would I
be able to track down the people that I wanted to interview? And if I did
manage to track them down, would they even care about the old boxes in their
closets? Only one way to find out. I started making some phone calls.
One of the first people that I talked to was Jim Morton, the editor of
Trashola. Jim was great-thoughtful, funny, and full of wonderful stories. I
quickly transcribed the interview and made some more calls. Before long, I was
talking to a lot of the old gang, and they were actually talking back. If I
didn't have the contact information for a potential interview, it was almost
guaranteed that somebody within my newfound circle would. Before long, I was
looking at twenty, thirty, forty interviews. And that was only the beginning…
Xerox Ferox front cover. |