Saturday, March 2, 2024


Musical interpretations of the first feature length horror movie, DAS CABINET DES CALIGARI (THE CABINET OF DR. CALIGARI, USA, 1920) have been numerous, including works by Giuseppe Becce (now lost), Walter Sickert, In the Nursery and ex-composer/guitarist for BE BOP DELUXE, Bill Nelson. Now, one-time member of the seminal German electronic band, Kraftwerk, Karl Bartos has thrown his beret in the ring with his own score.

After I gave it a listen, I found it to be exquisite and to be one of, if not the best I've heard. This article from ELECTRONIC SOUND (February 2024) discusses both the film and its influence on cinema, as well as Bartos talking his composition.

Karl Bartos discussing his score:

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