Monday, March 11, 2024


Now hear this, monster lovers! Just recently posted is the ballot for the esteemed 2023 Rondo Awards. For years now, the "Rondo's" as they are affectionately called, recognize excellence in the field of horror movies, publications and other media, as well as personalities who have significantly contributed their talents to the genre.

The good news: WORLD OF MONSTERS has once again been nominated for Best Website. In addition, my article, "The Lost World: Cinema's First Great Dinosaur Movie" from PREHISTORIC TIMES #147 has been nominated in the Best Article category.

If you all would be so kind to support WOM and my writing efforts by heading over to the ballot and voting for me in those two categories I would most humbly appreciate it.

You don't have to vote in all categories on the ballot if you elect not too. I'm sure you could even email the Master of Ceremonies, David Colton with your WOM votes and he would accept them in that format.

Once again, I appreciate your consideration!

Pick up a copy of PREHISTORIC TIMES #147 HERE.


  1. I'll try to help a brother out if I can. That's one massive ballot. I was very saddened to find out about the tragic death of David Skal. I love his commentary.

  2. Any support is very much appreciated. When I got to Mr. Skal's photo on the ballot I read over the fact that he had passed away this year. Will have to post a commemoration of him. He did a lot in the advancement of horror film history. I had contacted him last December with a question about something I was writing and he got back to me within an hour! You can't say that for a lot of authors.


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