Sunday, November 8, 2020


Last Friday I showcased the latest issue of the Sword and Sorcery magazine, TALES FROM THE MAGICIAN'S SKULL. Here today is an index of the first four issues. Issue #2 is sold out, but you can order the others HERE.


What Lies in Ice, by Chris Willrich
It seemed a simple matter – all they had to do was outrun the iceberg. Except that the iceberg followed after, from time to time sending severed hands scrabbling onto their deck to choke the life from them. If they were to survive, Gaunt and Bone and their comrades would have to brave the depths of the iceberg, where the tower of a power-mad wizard had been entombed for millennia.

It would require all the razor-honed skills at their disposal to infiltrate the ice and confront the horrific sentience that yet survived. And some of them wouldn’t be getting out alive…

The Guild of Silent Men, by James Enge
They came for Morlock at dusk, for aid with a grim and terrible problem. A guildsman had killed his opponent then slain himself with multiple knife wounds, his face frozen in a rictus of horror. 

Others might have judged the case open and closed, but Morlock soon began to suspect other hands had been involved. Worse, the deeper his investigation went, the more he was certain he himself was in deadly peril.

Beneath the Bay of Black Waters, by Bill Ward
When Commissioner Shan and General Bao set out to destroy the cutthroats behind the addictive and deadly Black Pearls, they knew they’d be challenged at every turn. But they could never have known the terrible discoveries that lay before them, or guessed at what lurked beneath the waves. Soon they were locked in a savage fight for the soul of their city, two men in retreat with a bedraggled guard force against hordes upon hordes of creatures from the deep… 

Beyond the Block, by Aeryn Rudel
Matthias had but one morning left him, and it would end with a blow from the headman’s axe. He’d fought to free his sister and dethrone a sorcerous tyrant, but he was outnumbered and alone.

And then his sister’s agents offered him a choice. They couldn’t get him past the guards, but they knew a way he could seek his vengeance. So long as he didn’t mind waiting until after his date with the chopping block… 

Crypt of Stars, by Howard Andrew Jones
The Dervan Empire pecked at the sun blasted rocks with an army of slaves, determined to recover the fabled wealth of Volanus. Secure in their power, they worried only about delays. Even if they’d known that the last great general of Volanus was alive and free, why should they fear Hanuvar Cabera? He had no armies left him. What could a single man hope to accomplish against an entire garrison?

But then they had never reckoned with the secrets held within the crypt of stars.

There Was an Old Fat Spider, by C. L. Werner
Karl didn’t want much – just enough coin to purchase a bed each night, just a little luck so that his animal traps weren’t spoiled. Once he’d been a skilled carver with connections to royalty. Now he was a vagabond trapper. Mocked, bullied, and abused by the townsfolk, even the woman he loved could barely stand the sight of him.

And then a chance encounter led him to a dark, webbed grove, where he found a gruesome ally and began to hatch a sinister plan…

The Crystal Sickle’s Harvest, by John C. Hocking
The King’s Hand was the king’s most feared agent, the grim troubleshooter dispatched when subtlety and speed were paramount. It seemed like his apprentice Benhus might finally be able to prove his worth when the two discovered someone had crept into the royal cemetery.

But they quickly learned that they faced no common grave robbers. For someone had broken into the crypt of the king’s sister, a woman whispered to have mastered the darkest of arts…
  • Editor: Howard Andrew Jones
  • Contributing writers: James Enge, John C. Hocking, Howard Andrew Jones, Aeryn Rudel, Bill Ward, C. L. Werner, Chris Willrich
  • Cover artist: Jim Pavelec
  • Interior artists: Jennell Jaquays, Doug Kovacs, Willam McAusland, Brad McDevitt, Ian Miller, Russ Nicholson, and Stefan Poag
  • Cartoons: Chuck Whelon
  • DCC stats: Terry Olson
  • Layout: Lester B. Portly


Blood of the Forest Born by Nathan Long
Then she saw it. The eight-legged circle of Atseska. Any Haata child with a grandfather who told ghost stories knew about the black magic of Atseska the Spider.

“He’s going to kill them,” murmured Anla. “He’s going to kill everyone in this house.”

Break Them on the Dying Stones by Setsu Uzume
The blindfold itched, and stank of wet sheep. Gatja raised her hands and leaned forward to scratch her face, but the muting chains rang taut — locking her wrists and neck just beyond reach.

Stolen Witness by James Enge
They followed the crooked man, bearing a corpse on his back and a light in his hand, into the wizard’s garden.

Trial by Scarab by John C. Hocking
Benhus drew and met him in a clash of strident steel.  They traded blows, at first with more maddened intent than skill, swords meeting and sliding apart with a sound like a blacksmith’s anvil seeing frantic work.

Day of the Shark by James Stoddard
“I led my hunters here, daring the depths to seek you.  I have a keen eye, steady arms, and the courage of ten. I have killed the Great White single-handed. I demand the Trial.”

A Soul’s Second Skin by Violette Malan
“Hush,” Dhulyn’s tone was such that even the mage fell silent. “Something large breathes ten or twelve paces away from us.”

Shuhalla’s Sword by Dave Gross
Only the commander’s head emerged from the woody cage, neck stretched back and mouth open. From it protruded his tongue, darker than blood and—incredibly—as long as his forearm.

The People of the Pit Illustrated by Stefan Poag
An illustrated adaptation of Abraham Merritt’s classic story.

Appendix: Game Statistics by Terry Olson
In each issue, we present an appendix of game statistics for the various creatures, spells, and items described in each issue. All of these stats are for the Dungeon Crawl Classics Role Playing Game system.
  • Edited by: Howard Andrew Jones
  • Interior Illustrations: Samuel Dillon, Jennell Jaquays, Cliff Kurowski, William McAusland, Brad McDevitt, Russ Nicholson, Stefan Poag, and Chuck Whelon
  • Cover Illustration: Diesel LaForce
  • Publisher: Joseph Goodman


The Face That Fits His Mask, By William King
He could change in mid-spring, tear out the man’s throat, feast on his bones, drink his blood. The beast of the change gibbered in the back of his mind, begging to be unleashed. His fingers splayed, his nails began to lengthen….

By That Much, By Joseph A. McCullough
“You claim not to know me, and that is probably best for you, but do me a last service. If you can, gather what remains of my body and give it a suitable place to rest.” 

Tyrant’s Bane, By John C. Hocking
Someone in the garb of a royal guardsman came out of the stairwell.  His blue armor was covered with blood and there was a fist-sized hole in his cuirass through which Benhus could see the wall behind him.  There was a sword in each hand and, as he advanced, the dead man lifted both weapons.

Five Deaths, By James Enge
The heavy stone door moved easily upon its hinges; Morlock pulled it open and stepped through cautiously. Lernaion was about to follow when there was a sudden bodiless screaming and the door slammed shut.

The Forger’s Art, By Violette Malan
His head wore a surprised look when it landed a few feet away. The body slumped to the ground, pumping out blood onto the grass. 

“Why do people always talk too much?” Parno wiped his sword clean on the dead stranger’s tunic.

The Second Death of Hanuvar, By Howard Andrew Jones
Hanuvar twisted, parried a blow that would have caved in his skull, and lost his balance. He saw the pit yawning, and the flame more than twenty feet below.

The Wizard of Rememberance, By Sarah Newton

The memnovore towered over him, its mouth distending into a translucent sleeve of slime. Acid burned Suven’s flesh, and he screamed. In the demon’s larval embrace, he prayed for oblivion.

Appendix: Game Statistics by Terry Olson
  • Edited by: Howard Andrew Jones
  • Interior Illustrations: Samuel Dillon, Justine Jones, Doug Kovacs, Brad McDevitt, Russ Nicholson, Stefan Poag, Matthew Ray, and Chuck Whelon
  • Cover Illustration: Sanjulian
  • Format: Print + PDF


Guardian of the Broken Gem by John C. Hocking
Benhus wondered what he could expect if they took him alive. Torture and interrogation, probably. They’d pry the fact that he worked for the King from him and that would seal his death warrant. He squeezed the hilt of the white dagger and wondered how many of them he could kill before they took him down.

On Death Seed Island by Adrian Cole
The cloud writhed gently, as if shifting in a breeze, though the air in the grove was very still. In a moment it had formed itself into a distinctive shape and the men drew back in alarm. It was a human figure, hunched, its face a blur, save for the eyes and mouth.

Masks of Silence by James Enge
The glass cages were full of… things. Not people, but parts of people. They were moving—they were alive: meaty throbbing hearts, shiny pulsating strips of liver, fingers crawling like inchworms, feet flopping like fish. “There is a part of hell that’s supposed to be like this,” Deor remarked.

Cage of Honor by James Stoddard
Without hesitation, he sent his knife whistling through the air, striking the witch full in the throat. Ignoring her, he caught the woman in his arms, and she was everything to him all at once, everything he ever wanted.

The Witch’s Hound by C. L. Werner
In a burst of supernatural speed, the dog-ape lunged at Oba. It drove its hairy body beneath the sweep of his sword and drove its shoulder into his midriff in a maneuver that was more tackle than pounce. The samurai was knocked back, sent sprawling on the ground.

The Dead Queen’s Triumph by Ryan Harvey
“You—don’t yet believe—that I am your queen.” The tongue moved freer as the abomination became used to speaking. “For long, I forgot that I was as well. But I am royal blood still. See?” One of the manipulated arms placed its hand over a flap on the chest cylinder. Fingers gripped the sides and pulled it open.

Thieves of the Fallen World by Tom Doyle
We’d taken these unearthly glowing gems and blades of cold flame from beings who (at best) weren’t quite human. These trophies were still puissant for ill, and a captured battle lance twitched at me like a living bug impaled on a pin. You shouldn’t be keeping such things, sire.

Apedamak’s Army by Milton Davis
Garang had made a mistake. He crouched as he walked backwards to the hut, hoping the beasts did not see him. He was halfway to the hut when the last beast spotted him and changed directions, shrieking at him as it attacked.

Appendix: Game Statistics by Terry Olson
  • Edited by: Howard Andrew Jones
  • Interior Illustrations: Chris Arneson, Randy Broecker, Samuel Dillon, Jennell Jaquays, Doug Kovacs, Brad McDevitt, Russ Nicholson, and Stefan Poag
  • Cover Illustration: Doug Kovacs
  • Format: Softcover + PDF

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