Saturday, March 21, 2020


Vol. 5 No. 3 (Whole #19)

1972 (No month)
Gothic Castle Publishing Company
Created, Edited and Published by Calvin T. Beck

Associate Editor: Helen BeckAssistant Editor: Bhob Stewart
Editorial Associates: Buddy Weiss; Joe Dante, Jr.
Editorial Advisor: Philip B. Moshcovitz
Contributing Editors: Victor Wisco; Dan Bates; Ken Beale; Harry Nadler; Steve Vertlieb; Paul H. Sammon
Cover: Maelo Cintron

Pages: 68
Cover price: 60 cents

In his editorial, publisher Calvin T. Beck rails against the Vietnam War, using a lot more ink  on the subject than any other monster 'zine of the time. Rightly so, as the "war against Communism" had fallen off the tracks with no clear path to victory (sound familiar?). In the meantime, American service members were dying by the day in a seemingly pointless struggle. As Beck explains, the cost also extends to the people living (and dying) who are in the way of it all.

This issue of CoF has features on upcoming Hammer Films, Ray Harryhausen, an interview with SILENT RUNNING's director, Douglas Turnbull, and reviews of A CLOCKWORK ORANGE and Z.P.G. (Zero Population Growth, a hot topic during the 1970's).

(Part 2 of this issue will be posted on Monday.)

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