Tuesday, June 7, 2016


Is FANGORIA on the ropes or just exhibiting growing pains? The future of the top-selling commercial monster magazine is uncertain, to be sure. Longtime staffers Michael Gingold and Bill Mohally, along with Chris Alexander, were the heart and soul of Fango and new, one-time intern and current Fango Web editor Ken W. Hanley has his work cut out for him. Gingold left without an official farewell to readers, which is suspect. Was this a hostile takeover or did he leave willingly? All this is moot, so we’ll just have to wait and see what happens. In the meantime, below is the 411 direct from the FANGORIA website.
"When I [Ken W. Hanley, ed.]started interning for FANGORIA nearly four years ago, the first person this writer met at the company was Michael Gingold. With a hearty handshake and a smile, Mike welcomed me to the office and brand that would forever change my professional career. In the years afterwards, he became my mentor, my colleague, my editor and, most importantly, my friend. And, without a shadow of a doubt, he was the heart of FANGORIA Magazine for longer than I’ve been alive.
Nobody could write like Mike. No one could interview like Mike. He’s the kind of writer that takes the time to put his personal spin on horror happenings rather than copy-and-paste a press release. I thank Mike for everything he’s done for FANGORIA, and for me, personally. He’s also the kind of person that many filmmakers, writers, publicists and horror fans are proud to call their friend.
And it’s exactly this reason why I’m sad to say that Michael Gingold is no longer a part of FANGORIA Magazine. For many of you, this may not be news, as FANGORIA’s parting of ways with Mike became public yesterday, and to see the tremendous outpouring of support among the horror community assures this writer that Mike will move on to bigger, bolder, and brighter things. Honestly, I was hoping for Mike to say farewell personally, on his own terms, to the horror audience he served for decades, and that option is still available, should he choose to do so.
Furthermore, FANGORIA also parted ways with longtime art director, Bill Mohalley, whose designs and masterful work have lead to all the iconic covers, spreads and artwork that fright fans have come to know and love. This writer personally hopes for the best for both Mike and Bill during this time.
Since the news of Mike’s exit broke, many were wondering what would happen with FANGORIA, considering just two weeks earlier, we released a statement regarding our new publication schedule. So rather than keep our readers in the dark or at the mercy of ill-informed speculation, FANGORIA has decided to share where the company currently stands.
As of this writing, I have taken the unenviable position of filling the massive shoes of Michael Gingold, Chris Alexander, Tony Timpone, David McDonnell, David Everitt and Bob Martin as the next Editor-in-Chief of FANGORIA Magazine. The magazine will be restructuring to bring in new blood, including at least two exceptional women in the horror journalism field who will be announced in a formal staff statement on June 1st.
The publication schedule that FANGORIA announced on May 10th will continue as scheduled. Issues #345 and #346 will be sent exclusively to subscribers in the coming weeks, and our June Issue, #347, will be our first to return to stands with an early digital release exclusively on FANGORIA.com.
I would like to be clear about one thing, though: FANGORIA will never be the same without Mike’s presence and influence in the magazine. This writer will not try to mirror Mike’s accomplishments from his 28 years with FANGORIA, nor could I if I even wanted to. But what this writer does promise as Editor-in-Chief will be a different kind of FANGORIA altogether; something timeless, new, and unique yet building on the legacy of what made FANGORIA so notable in the past.
FANGORIA will still be dedicated to giving independent horror filmmakers, authors, game designers, and FX artists the showcase they deserve. In this next phase of FANGORIA, this writer hopes to revive the art of FX preview pieces, which has since been lost in the age of studio embargoes and CGI, and make them integral to each ensuing edition. And I want to hear more voices in the world of FANGORIA, print, web or otherwise, especially from the endless stream of brilliant female writers as well as writers of color, both of whom offer a perspective on the genre that I couldn’t possibly imagine.
The fact is that FANGORIA has so often been a part of what we all grew up reading. Even though the magazine has changed under the direction of Tony, Chris and Mike, FANGORIA has essentially been a treasure of horror’s past that many of us still love. For what it’s worth, a new generation should be able to feel the same way about FANGORIA that the lifers and horror lovers do, and I will do my damnedest to make sure that happens.
So, in short: FANGORIA is not dead. I hope both Mike and Bill find an exceptional outlet for their immense talent from here on out, and I’ll be damn sure to read wherever they go next. I hope that you all give this next chapter of FANGORIA a chance to stand on its own, as I promise that I will pour every ounce of energy that I have into doing just that.
Please check back here at FANGORIA.com next week for our official staff announcement as well as more details about FANGORIA #347, which is currently in production. I would personally like to thank the fans for sticking with FANGORIA through the good and bad, and please: wherever they go, whatever Mike Gingold and Bill Mohalley does next, support it."
"With June finally upon us, FANGORIA would like to ring in the occasion with a pair of updates regarding the FANGORIA staff and our next issue.
As mentioned last week, Ken W. Hanley will be serving as the new Editor-in-Chief, beginning with FANGORIA #347. The new expanded FANGORIA team includes April Bedan (Sales Manager), Madeleine Koestner (Managing Editor), Shawn Macomber (Senior East Coast Correspondent), and Amy Seidman (International Creative Liaison), who join the current staff that includes Robert Feldman (Webmaster), Trey McGriff (Marketing Coordinator), Cheryl Singleton (Marketing Director), and Tony Timpone (Editor Emeritus). Our new Art Director will be announced soon alongside an update regarding our Web Editorial Staff.
Next up, for those wondering what’s in store for FANGORIA#347, FANGORIA would like to offer you a some details about what to expect from the impending issue. The cover for FANGORIA #347 will feature the one-and-only John Carpenter, who has become a full-fledged rock star– complete with a world tour– after more than 40 years as a horror filmmaker and film composer. FANGORIA #347 will also proudly feature a career-spanning conversation with FX wizard Gary J. Tunnicliffe, who is hanging up his full-time FX career after 25 years in the business…and previews us with exclusive comments on the upcoming HELLRAISER: JUDGMENT. The issue will also features interviews with esteemed horror author Joe Hill, two contemporary Masters of Horror, and representatives from spanning almost every facet of the genre.
For those who missed our previous update, FANGORIA #345 and #346 will be released simultaneously to subscribers shortly, with a limited number of issues available exclusively through FANGORIA.com soon. Stay tuned for a complete cover and content reveal next week."

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