Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Now ready to ship directly to your dungeon is the latest issue of Dick Klemensen's superb publication, LITTLE SHOPPE OF HORRORS. LSOH is well-known for its massive, full-issue theme marathons. This time around it's Hammer's VAMPIRE CIRCUS, complete with a Bruce Timm cover featuring Serena, The Tiger Girl.

Do I need to tell ya twice to order a copy by going right HERE? I thought not!

Here's a peek at what's inside:

Featuring –

¨     Your Children Will Die, to Give Me Back My Life!”

The Making of VAMPIRE CIRCUS by Bruce G. Hallenbeck.

- Interviews with

¨     Robert Young (Director)

¨     Anthony Higgins (Emil)

¨     Robert Tayman (Count Mitterhaus)

¨     John Moulder-Brown (Anton)

¨     Lalla Ward (Helga)

¨     Domini Blythe (Anna) (a remembrance by her long-time companion, French-Canadian director, Jean Beaudin)

+ Wilbur Stark (Producer), Judson Kinberg (Screenwriter) & Adrienne Corri (Gypsy Woman) & Milovan and Serena (The Webers, the tiger woman!)

¨     The Hammer Nobody Knows – “Never Look Back” by Denis Meikle.

¨     Remembering  – James Carreras: Michael Carreras in Conversation with Denis Meikle.

¨     British Actors – 3: Peter Arne interview conducted by David Williams.

¨     Hammer News, The Viewable Hammer, Letters to LSoH, Book and DVD reviews. 

Front Cover by Bruce Timm; Inside front cover by Mark Maddox.  Inside back cover by Adrian Salmon.   Back Cover by Belle Dee (Shana) Bilbrey. 

Lots of original artwork and a LOT of rare photographs.

LSOH #30 inside front cover art by Mark Maddox.

LSOH #30 inside back cover art by Belle Dee Bilbrey.

LSOH #30 back cover art by Adrian Salmon.

1 comment:

  1. The issue is only up for preorder, it hasn't been published yet.


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