Saturday, June 15, 2024


Besides being one of the leading figures in the Bay Area underground comics scene, Gary Arlington (aka Eric Fromm) of the San Francisco Comic Book Company was a big fan of EC Comics. In 1973, one of the ways that he shared the love with his customers was to create this unique collection of one-page, multi-color comics that he called "The Nickel Library", a projected series of 500 single, 8 1/2" x 11" page images from EC Comics, Golden Age comics and newspaper comic strips.

Bill Gaines caught on to his comics being appropriated for this project and threatened Arlington with a $50,000 lawsuit. Arlington obliged and kept the letter, showing it proudly to customers when they asked him about it. As a result, The Nickel Library lasted for 64 "issues".

Gary Arlington used the name "Eric Fromm" when distributing
his catalogs.

Since they were only 5-cents apiece, I grabbed some of these along with my orders from Bud Plan for a while. Today, a single sheet is going for $30-$50 or more.

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