Friday, February 9, 2024


Often flying under the radar of monster mag fans is the fabulous little freakshow of a series called MONSTERS ATTACK! Created by longtime Monster Kid and one-time editor of CRACKED magazine, Mort Todd, we also saw some of his work for Marvel HERE.

The first issue was published in September 1989 and ran for five issues. But what issues they were! Wild and creepy comic stories by some of horror's best artists (Gray Morrow, Steve Ditko, John Severin, Alex Toth, etc.) were accompanied by movie text articles and fiction in homage to Warren and Marvel's monster 'zines.

Todd published a two-volume collection of this series in 2021 and I highly recommend it. An oddity, but a good oddity!

Visit Mort Todd's web page and various book collections, including MONSTERS ATTACK! HERE

Here is a sampling of the first issue:


  1. I'm not always savvy enough to pick up material I ought to, but I did see the value of Monsters Attack! and gathered every issue I came across. Great stuff! I'll have to check out the collections.

  2. Well that didn't take long. I've ordered them and the two volumes are on their way. Thanks for the heads up. It will be nice to have these issues in a handy reading format.

  3. This was a nice little 'zine. Todd didn't seem to produce anything with legs, unfortunately. I'd like to see what he would come up with today. His website is strewn with dead or non-working links and images that don't download so I don't know how much attention he's giving any of it. I'd like to see what the Zeus comics is all about.


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