Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Despite the fact that every economic indicator advises otherwise, there seems to be more and more new genre magazines being published, monster magazines included. And, while many of them may fall under the "publish or perish" category of "fan magazine", writers, artists, and publishers continue to express their creative passion via the printed word.

Yet another monster 'zine title is forthcoming, this time the Franken-child of Andrew Parietti, Editor of SHADOWLAND magazine. SHADOWLAND looks to be a genre mix of pop culture, including a helping of horror for good measure.

The first issue sports a striking cover image of The Phantom of the Opera. Parietti elaborates: "Our cover artist is the very, very talented Dwayne Pinkney. His contact information is also available on our website along with some more of his amazing artwork"

Andrew goes on to explain when we can expect to see SHADOWLAND: "Our first issue is scheduled to come out late July/early August - though I'd say closer to an early August release is more likely. Being that it's the first issue there's always going to be a few more wrinkles to iron out."

We will stay tuned for terror . . . in the meantime, Andrew was kind enough to provide MONSTER MAGAZINE WORLD with a couple of sample pages.

Speaking of publishing markets and the economics of distribution, in light of the recent slaying of bookstore Goliath Borders/Walden Books, it will be interesting to see who picks up the pace -- will it be Barnes & Noble, with their Megastores and Nooks -- or will it be somebody else with a hitherto untried strategy that walks the tenuous tightrope between brick 'n mortar and the Internet?

MONSTER MAGAZINE WORLD would like to get your opinion on this raging "War of the Words". If you haven't already, won't you please take a second and particpate in the poll at the top of the sidebar?

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