Friday, January 14, 2011


 I have had the pleasure of speaking with Jean Depelley, who represents the French genre publication, METALUNA, THE REVIEW OF "THE OTHER" CINEMA. The term in quotes may be a little off in translation, as the French word used here is "L'autre", which, basically on its own means "other", and is usually found in a phrase that can morph it a bit. I'm not fluent in French, but I suppose you could also say it as "a review of cinema from the other side". You may have noticed that METALUNA is the featured MONSTER MAGAZINE SPOTLIGHT recipient this month on the sidebar to the right of this blogroll.

It looks like a great 'zine. I'd say the closest thing we have to it is CINEMA RETRO, which covers a hybrid of genre movies with a retro theme. METALUNA, likewise, appears to gravitate to older fantasy, sci-fi and horror films in general.

To anyone interested in purchasing samples or the entire run so far, here's what Mr. Depelley had to offer:

"You can purchase the complete run of Métaluna (6 issues so far, with issue 7 coming soon) at our website:

There is a section for English-speaking countries at our shop:

A special offer for the complete run (including the forthcoming issue 7) is proposed for $56.00 (free shipping).

If you prefer buying one copy, it costs $8.00 + $2.00 for International shipping.

As you can see, the magazine is dedicated to genre films. The 2/3 of each content concerns classic and obscure films from the past (with very informative articles + interviews). The last third is about new films.

Here are our covers and contents. Enjoy!"

'Nuff said, mon ami! And without further ado, here are said covers and contents . . .

Métaluna 1 (Pictured above)

This Island Earth

Interview Faith Domergue

James Horan: interview

Paula Dupée, Universal Pictures' Ape Woman

Curious Dr. Emilio Vieyra

Jacqueline Pearce, the Reptile from Hammer Films speaks

François Hérissay, a French movie distributors from the 40s'

Review Henry Danniel


Métaluna 2

La nuit des horloges by Jean Rollin, featuring interviews with Sabine Lenoël and Jean Rollin

William Girdler Jr.

The Fantastic Four cartoon series from French company Moonscoop, interviews with Nicolas Atlan, David Fauré, Franck Michel, Jean-Marc Guillemoy

Chanoc, the Mexican adventurer

The European Tarzan films - part 1: spaghetti Tarzan, featuring an interview with Marc Dorcel

Marisa Mell

The Russian sci-fi section : The Amphibian Man

Tarkan, the Turkish barbarian


Métaluna 3

The Three Mothers Cycle by Dario Argento

Sisters by Douglas Buck, featuring his interview

The European Tarzan films - part 2: The Paella Tarzan episode 1

Giant robots in movies

The Russian sci-fi section: The Cosmic Voyage

Mimsy Farmer and The Road to Salina

Review: George Pal


Métaluna 4

Dying God : interview with Fabrice Lambot + Jean-Pierre Putters

Barbarella and other space pin-ups

Interview with Douglas Buck on Family Portraits
The Russian sci-fi section: Niebo Zoviet / Battle beyond the Sun + A Dream Come True / Queen of Blood +
Ikarus / Voyage to the End of the Universe

The European Tarzan films - part 2: The Paella Tarzan episode 2

London After Midnight

Death Note: from manga to movies

Lory Petty + Tank Girl

Le Viol du Vampire, 40 years after, interviews with Jean Rollin and artist Philippe Druillet


Métaluna 5 - King Kong Special Issue!

Dread by Anthony Diblasi, featuring his interview

King Kong review: The origin of the myth, the lost reels, the King Kong Show, The fate of Carlo Rambaldi's giant models, Japanese Kong from the 30s', King Dong, A*P*E*, Queen Kong…Fay Wray

Zombie Strippers (with Jenna Jameson) Vs. Zombies! Zombies! Zombies ! a.k.a. Strippers Vs. Zombies

The Russian sci-fi section: First on the Moon


 Métaluna 6

Amer by Forzani & Cattet, + interviews

The Weird Westerns - part 1

The documentary Marvel 14, Superheroes Vs. censorship

The cartoons by René Laloux

review: Evelyn Kraf

The Cyclops movies

The Russian section: Kniga masterov

Suzy Lorraine

French TV series from the past: L'île aux 30 cercueils

Jean Rollin speaks about his last film, Le masque de la Méduse


Métaluna 7- Prehistoric Girl issue - due February 2011

L'Etrange festival in Paris

Territoire + interview with Olivier Abbou

The Visionary films from Belgium

Le Masque de la Méduse by Jean Rollin

Weird Western part 2

The Prehistoric Girl movies

A tribute to Frank Frazetta

Sioux Sinner

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