Monday, October 4, 2010


Since the mood has been somewhat jovial here at MONSTER MAGAZINE WORLD of late, I thought it would be good to keep it going for a while. To add to the frivolity, I dug out some more treasures here at the MYSTERIOUS MANSION, namely a month of Mondays worth of the highly collectible (and relatively expensive to purchase) YOU'LL DIE LAUGHING trading cards. These are from the very first series released in 1959 as MONSTER FUNNIES by "Bubbles, Inc.", a sideline of Topps, Inc. Artwork is by greatest "Funny Monster" illustrator of all time, the incomparable Jack Davis. This is Card #1 in the series.

[From the private collection of John Navroth]


  1. The post "Shock!" monster boom would not have been nearly as interesting without the talents of Jack Davis!


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