With only the second issue of the newly-resurrected FAMOUS MONSTERS OF FILMLAND due just a couple weeks away, publisher Phil Kim has announced some changes in the distribution and publishing schedule. The information is from today's FM email newsletter.
"CALLING ALL MONSTER KIDS. Since the very successful release of Famous Monsters #251 at FM Con and Comic Con just a few short months ago you have made your voices heard. We sat down and decided to make some changes to address your comments and suggestions.
Mobile FM: Upcoming FM issues will be available for download to mobile devices. Specific devices and when the releases will happen in relation to the print edition are still to be determined. These editions are planned to be available before the new year. More to come.
FM in Stores: Famous Monsters is proud to announce that upcoming issues will be available in retailers throughout the UK and Canada, and in major bookstore chains in the US such as Barnes & Noble, Borders, and Books-a-Million.
FM Fan Participation: Over the next several issues FM will be reintroducing 'Fang Mail' to feature more reader-created content like pictures and photos from readers like you!
"I WANT SOME MORE FM, PLEASE": This was the request we received more than any other. E-mails, letters, phone calls, face-to-face: You asked, we answered. FM will now go bi-monthly starting with FM253 in December."
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