Saturday, July 30, 2016


For 100 issues, Dennis Druktenis published his "all classic, all the time" SCARY MONSTERS magazine. Then, he quit. Going on behind the scenes was a plan for a new Monster Kid on the block to take the helm of the successful magazine.

Mr. Druktenis' editorial in issue #100 left a bit of a question mark as to what would happen after the monumental century mark. Turns out there was a business deal going on in the background that would assure readers that their favorite Monster Movie Memories magazine would continue.

And continue it has, with the recent publication of SCARY MONSTERS #101, headed by Don and Vicki Smeraldi, proprietors of the "One Stop Monster Shop", Now, for the first time, the story behind the change is revealed here at MONSTER MAGAZINE WORLD with an exclusive Q&A with Editor and Publisher, Don Smeraldi.

SCARY MONSTERS #101 cover.
MONSTER MAGAZINE WORLD: First off, congratulations on your acquisition of SCARY MONSTERS. Tell us about yourself and your interest in this industry. What attracted you to monsters and devoting a business to them?

SCARY MONSTERS: My wife Vicki and I have always considered ourselves Monster Kids. I grew up in Cleveland and my older brother and I watched Shock Theater horror host Ghoulardi, and later Hoolihan & Big Chuck, on local TV. My brother also introduced me to Famous Monsters of Filmland magazine as well as Aurora model kits. My wife, who is the designer and creative director for Scary Monsters Magazine, was introduced to horror films by her older brothers in Boston, where they watched Creature Double Feature among other shows. Our classic horror and sci-fi movies and collectibles website,, started as a hobby of sorts in 1999 and has grown far beyond what we expected. Now, we are very happy to be the new publishers of Scary Monsters Magazine because we can help celebrate classic films along with other Monster Kids across the U.S.

MMW: How did acquiring SM come about?

SM: We did business with former publisher Dennis Druktenis for many years. When I was planning to retire from my job outside of the monster industry, I found out that he was contemplating the end of the magazine. We discussed everything at length and he turned over the reins.
MMW: The former SM had advertising back pages that rivaled the heyday of FAMOUS MONSTERS OF FILMLAND. Did you acquire the sideline inventory (including reprints of other ‘zines) as well as the title rights?

SM: Yes, we have the inventory and title rights and will continue the back page catalog of monster goodies.

MMW: Are you retaining any staff or going with new?

SM: We are working with some of the same writers and artists. We will continue to look for others interested in contributing.

MMW: What is your planned publishing schedule?

SM: Scary Monsters will continue to be quarterly, and we'll continue the annual Monster Memories Yearbook. Next issue is #102 to be released in late Sept/early Oct. #103 is slated for late Dec/early Jan.

MMW: Are you using the same printer or a new one? It looks like the photos in issue #101 are a bit sharper than before.

SM: We're using the same printer and are ensuring we have high-resolution photos and graphics whenever possible.

MMW: What would you say that distinguishes SM from the rest of the monster magazines crowding the magazine rack?

SM: I wouldn't say the racks are crowded with monster magazines these days, at least compared to years ago, but, like Dennis, we consider Scary Monsters the only real monster magazine because of the pulp pages, it is "all classic, all the time," its emphasis on nostalgia and the wide array of contributions from fans.

MMW: What are your plans for the evolution of SM? Will you be keeping the traditional “look” or moving in another direction?

SM: The look will remain but we'll be incorporating some new and fun features.

MMW: What are your thoughts on the apparent uncertainty of commercial magazines such as FANGORIA?

SM: The print industry, from newspapers to magazines and books is having trouble simply because of the push to make most things digital. The cost of printing and postage are also concerns. Bookstores large and small are also facing tough times. But, in my opinion, we'll always have hard copy because it's so personal and tactile, and it literally plays into the hands of collectors.
SCARY MONSTERS #100 cover.
MMW: Buy buying SM, you obviously thought there was a future in the print magazine, but what are your strategies to keep your audience (coverage of newer films, etc.)?

SM: That's something we'll need to consider but at this point we want to keep things classic and fill the needs of the niche that we find ourselves in.

MMW: Are you open to art and article submissions and, if so, what are your standard guidelines?

SM: Yes, we are open to art submissions for our Scare Mail section. For articles it is best to send a query providing us the gist of what the author wants to cover, then we'll respond with more precise guidelines. Email: Mail: Scary Monsters, PO Box 567, Wildomar CA 92595-0567.

MMW: What is your favorite monster memory? I have many, including the first few times I looked through Famous Monsters of Filmland magazine (the cover of issue #51 stands out because of the colors of the repeated image of the werewolf). It definitely wasn't a favorite memory when I was younger, but I clearly recall the fear I felt when the Outer Limits TV show would come on our B&W TV set ... "We control the vertical, we control the horizontal..." The glowing eyes on the Children of the Damned also scared me and my brother and sister. Having one of my drawings shown on the Hoolihan & Big Chuck show was a thrill. But nothing beats the memories of seeing the classic Universal Monsters films for the very first time.

MMW: Any final words you’d like to share with monster fans out there?

SM: We're just so thankful for the support we've received so far and the enthusiasm that so many people have shown now that they know Scary Monsters is continuing and our first issue is now on the newsstands. The best possible way to ensure that this magazine goes on for perhaps another 100 issues is to subscribe!

MMW: Thanks tons, Don, for taking time out to share all this with MONSTER MAGAZINE WORLD.

SM: Thanks for the opportunity, John, to share all of this with Monster Magazine World!

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