Friday, June 10, 2011


These were found on eBay being sold as circa 1960's plastic versions of Topstone's famed "over-the-head" rubber masks. They were sold as cheaper versions (oxymoron here, folks?) with a price tag of 98 cents. They are marked "Topstone" on the inside of the mask.

Oh, and guess what? They're not selling for 98 cents anymore.

Female Vampire -- could maybe pass for Marilyn Manson, too. Only $500.

"One-eyed Cyclops" -- is there any other kind? Find out for $400.

Frankenstein er, Monster. $300.

Male Vampire -- if you say so. $300.

Blonde Monster -- I'll say! "Buy It Now" for $65.

Brain Monster -- but definitely not the Brain from the Planet Arouse! Only $65.


Anonymous said...

Hooooly poop! I wish I could justify dropping THAT big a chunk of change of something like that (the Brain Monster mask is calling out to me). Great stuff, amigo!

Prof. Grewbeard said...

all it takes is one lenticular eye...