Friday, May 1, 2020


You can call this my second rant-of-the-week.

I'm getting frustrated and fed up with using Blogger and have been close to pulling the plug on it more than once lately. What used to be a slick blogging platform has turned into a pitched battle every time I log on. Here are my major beefs:

  • It takes forever and a day to load up a new post page -- used to load up instantly.
  • While "essential" widgets have stayed, many-- and I do mean many -- have disappeared into third-party, load-draining programs.
  • It takes almost sleight-of-hand to upload a Gif image anymore. I've read all about work-arounds, but I shouldn't have to use a work-around for something this simple.
  • Some of the gadgets that I use all the time have suddenly stopped working.

Do I need to go on? And all of this using Google's native browser! I was switching to Internet Explorer and some of the items would work -- but not for very long.

Using Blogger used to be a fun, flexible and creative way of producing nice-looking content, but lately I feel like I'm stuck in the past and trying to walk forward in knee-deep mud.

I am searching out alternative platforms. . .

Any suggestions, folks?


  1. I've been a Wordpress user for 8 years now and have never really thought about switching to anything else. It has its issues, like everything does, but all in all, I think it's a pretty decent blogging platform for the type and style of content that you post. Might be worth at least thinking about!

  2. I'm sure I will jump ship once they force us to use the new version. I hate it you need to know code to use it and I don't have time for that crap! I like the ease of use on blogger but I have thought about Wordpress it seems clean and easy to use.

  3. Thanks for the suggestions. I have considered Wordpress as well as free web page creators that have blogging functions. WP seems to be the "standard" and will be at the top of the heap after Blogger implodes.

  4. In a word: Wordpress. I switched over five years ago and never looked back. I still keep and maintain the old Blogger site as an archive, but that's about it. I do hate the new "blocks" Wordpress introduced a couple years ago (just change for the sake of change, not improvement), but it was no trouble to add a plugin that enabled me to still use the classic editor.


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