Sunday, October 19, 2014


Currently listed on eBay as an "extremely rare fanzine from the early 1960's", Fright was the Official Publication of the Fantastic Monsters Club. It was edited by Ron Haydock, cult rock and roll star and editor of Paul Blaisdell's, Bob Burn's and Jim Harmon's short-lived but excellent magazine, Fantastic Monsters of the Films.

An ad for the Fantastic Monsters Club from FANTASTIC MONSTERS OF THE FILMS #1.

Fright was intended to be an "exclusive member's bulletin" to members of the club. This issue was a slim 4 pages, but professionally printed. It contains the article, "The Christopher Lee Story", and includes photos. This eBay auction offers a very rare glimpse into a part of early monster magazine history. Interested collectors should head on over to eBay while there's still time to bid.

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