Monday, January 20, 2020


I've said before that any famous character that lends himself well to parody will have a good chance at being timeless. Howard Phillips Lovecraft is one of them.

Take today's post, for instance. In the comic book CTHULHU TALES (Vol. 1 No. 11, February 2009), writer Luke Burns and artist Roger Langridge propose what ichorous prose could be bestowed upon a Chocolate Sampler box if Lovecraft had had the job of writing the copy for it. The result is clever and more than amusing. . .

1 comment:

  1. Someone needs to turn out a version of that chocolate sampler, call it Cthulu Chocolates, the eternal delight of the elder gods. Sweets to delight the palate of chocolate aficionados but destroy the minds (or teeth) of mortals.

    (Cthulu assumes no responsibility for cavities or dental bills due to his candies and chocolates, eat at your own risk.)


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