Saturday, June 16, 2012


"My brain boinged with the out-of-this-whirl thought, 'Has the Devil found work--and what work, if he can get it--for idol hands?.'"

It's no secret that Forrest J Ackeman's interests were varied and many. Besides editing the first movie monster magazine of its kind, he was an author's agent as well as a writer himself.

The first issue of FAMOUS MONSTERS OF FILMLAND MAGAZINE was published in February, 1958. After that, Forry was relentless in his promotion of the magazine and of his beloved monster movies in general. His proseletyzing even extended into the burgeoning business of men's magazines.

An example of this appeared a little more than a year later, in the May 1959 issue of HI-LIFE (Vol. 1 No. 5), one of the "For Men Only" magazines that existed at the time.

Forry's feature was entitled, Frankenstein's Bebe? and was an imagining of a take on then white-hot international sex symbol Brigitte Bardot's famous movie re-titled, FRANKENSTEIN CREATED WOMAN. To no one's suprise, it is a humorous piece, laden with the FJA stylizings that were fast becoming his trademark. One look at the quote at the top of this post will tell you everything.


  1. Is there an index of FJA's writings for men's magazines?

  2. Not that I know of, but I'm working on it right here at MMW, one post at at time!


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