Monday, September 13, 2021


Vol. 6 No. 4 (Whole #24)
1974 (No month)
Gothic Castle Publishing Company
Publisher, Editor, Layout Director: Calvin T. Beck
Associate Publisher: Helen Beck
Art Director: Mark Abraham
Editorial Associate: Nicholas Morgan
Assistant Editor: Joe Dante, Jr.
Customer Service: Carl Kane
Front cover: Tom Maher
Pages: 68
Cover price: 85 cents

A change was in the air for CoF in this issue. The 'zine took on a new designer and the result is a cleaner, more professional look, with crisper title fonts and a uniform typeface. What was lacking is the charming, sometimes seemingly thrown-together look that gave the overall impression that CoF was a newsstand fanzine (what monster mag wasn't, when you think about it).

Still, this is another good issue with material on Linda Blair and THE EXORCIST, Boris Karloff (who graces the cover in his role from TOWER OF LONDON), Hammer makeup man Roy Ashton, movie freaks and mutations and the conclusion of an interview with Roger Corman. Included is a feature on the "$25,000 monster" from HERCULES AND THE PRINCESS OF TROY, with Gordon Scott as the titular character. The piece was written by a mysterious "Wilbur Whately" (!). This was also covered in at least one other monster magazine that I can think of (a Charlton title), so somebody in the film's promotion department must have been on the ball.

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