Saturday, February 6, 2021


"We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far. The sciences, each straining in its own direction, have hitherto harmed us little; but some day the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the light into the peace and safety of a new dark age".
/ H.P. Lovecraft

Cryo Chamber is a global Dark Ambient Record Label based in Oregon, USA. Run by Simon Heath of cult projects Atrium Carceri/Sabled Sun, he explains: "We focus on cinematic soundscapes of the highest quality. This is due to the philosophy of sound design that our artists use.

"Our works are often featured in films, games and art installations and are described as dark soundtracks for creatives. We portray distant worlds, dusty cathedrals, damp forests. We field record in ghost towns, abandoned subway tunnels and on dwindling mountain paths.

"Our aim is to transform your room into another place in time and space."

For the last few years, the Cryo Chamber label has been doing just that, producing an annual recording inspired by the cosmic horrors of H.P. Lovecraft. The tracks are created using a collaboration between musicians who all put their unique talents into atmospheric soundscapes.

Following is the current catalog of streaming, CD and vinyl records of the various editions, beginning with their first effort up to their most current offering.

The Cryo Chamber label is featured on Bandcamp.

All sounds created by:
  • Alt3r3d Stat3
  • Alphaxone
  • Aseptic Void
  • Atrium Carceri
  • Cryobiosis
  • halgrath
  • Neizvestija
  • Ugasanie
  • Mystified
  • Asbaar
  • Dark Matter
  • Sjellos
  • Sabled Sun
Mastering - Simon Heath
Artwork - Simon Heath & Nicolas Crombez

In 2014 Cryo Chamber got some of the most prominent dark ambient artists together to synchronize their studios during a year of collaboration creating the album Cthulhu in tribute to H.P. Lovecraft. With Azathoth Cryo Chamber double the effort with a 2 CD release follow up. No less than 20 artists has been working for the last year to synchronize and co-create Azathoth. Azathoth is a collaboration NOT a compilation.

Azathoth is an Outer God in the Cthulhu Mythos and Dream Cycle stories of H. P. Lovecraft and other authors.

Azathoth's precise appearance is only hinted at throughout the Mythos, and indeed may be unknowable by mortal beings. It is described as occupying a position outside of the universe, where it is attended by a cohort of alien servants.

Released October 6, 2015.

Produced, Written, Collaborated by:
  • Atrium Carceri
  • Kammarheit
  • Foundation Hope
  • Taphephobia
  • Alphaxone
  • Alt3r3d Stat3
  • Apocryphos
  • Aseptic Void
  • Cryobiosis
  • Dark Matter
  • Darkrad
  • Dronny Darko
  • halgrath
  • Mystified
  • Wordclock
  • Sabled Sun
  • Neizvestija
  • Randal Collier-Ford
  • Sjellos
  • Svartsinn
  • Terradaemon
  • Ugasanie
Mastered and Artwork - Simon Heath (Atrium Carceri)

A 190 minute dark soundscape album recorded by 25 ambient artists to pay tribute to H.P. Lovecraft.

Field recordings from the deepest dark corners of 4 continents. Dusty tapes out of forgotten archives. Strings through crackling amplifiers and distorted drone combine into a sea of pitch black.

Nyarlathotep is a manipulative being in the Lovecraftian Mythos. Unlike Cthulhu, or Azathoth, he delights in cruelty and deception. Causing madness is more important than destruction to him.
Smell the burning embers as you kneel outside the sunken temple before Nyarlathotep. Feel the raspy touch of the faceless pharaoh as he leads you to the ancient Pyramid. Hear his inhuman summoning call to gods beyond reality.

So is this a compilation?
No, this is a collaboration and huge undertaking. 25 artists linked studios and sound for over a year so that they could work with each other. This led to deeper exploration of the Mythos and Nyarlathotep.

Released September 27, 2016
  • Kammarheit
  • God Body Disconnect
  • Dronny darko
  • Ugasanie
  • Kristoffer Oustad
  • Alphaxone
  • Svartsinn
  • SiJ
  • Gydja
  • Atrium Carceri
  • Darkrad
  • Flowers for Bodysnatchers
  • Aegri Somnia
  • Randal Collier-Ford
  • Neizvestija
  • Metatron Omega
  • Wordclock
  • ProtoU
  • Northumbria
  • Sjellos
  • Sabled Sun
  • Council of Nine
  • Cryobiosis
  • Apocryphos
  • Enmarta
  • Mystified

A 2 hour dark soundscape album recorded by 20 ambient artists to pay tribute to H.P. Lovecraft.

Field recordings from foggy towns to desolate mountains. Deep space drone and crackling amplifiers combine into a black sky devoid of stars.

Yog-Sothoth is a cosmic entity and Outer God of the Cthulhu Mythos and the Dream Cycle of H. P. Lovecraft. Born of the Nameless Mist, he is the progenitor of Cthulhu, Hastur the Unspeakable and the ancestor of the Voormi.

Yog-Sothoth is omniscient, and is locked outside the universe, meaning he knows and can see all of space-time all at once, that there is no secret hidden from Yog-Sothoth.

So is this a compilation?
No, this is a collaboration and huge undertaking. 20 artists linked studios and sound for over a year so that they could work with each other. This led to a deep exploration of the Mythos and Yog-Sothoth

2 CD album comes in a Deluxe 16 page DigiBook inspired by Joseph Curwen's tomes.

Released November 7, 2017

Created by:
  • ProtoU
  • Sjellos
  • Alphaxone
  • Gydja
  • Kristoffer Oustad
  • Aegri Somnia
  • Kammarheit
  • Darkrad
  • Atrium Carceri
  • Randal Collier-Ford
  • Neizvestija
  • Council of Nine
  • Dronny Darko
  • Flowers for Bodysnatchers
  • God Body Disconnect
  • Keosz
  • Kolhoosi 13
  • Northumbria
  • Sij
  • Ugasanie
Mastered and Artwork by Simon Heath

Dark sounds from dreamy dimensions to never ending cursed forests. Join us in the ritual of lust for the Black Goat of the Woods.

Shub-Niggurath is an Outer God (or Outer Goddess) in the pantheon. She is a perverse fertility deity.

An enormous mass which extrudes black tentacles, slime-dripping mouths, and short, writhing goat legs. Small creatures are continually spat forth by the monstrosity, which are either consumed into the miasmatic form or escape to some monstrous life elsewhere.

Of all the mythos deities, Shub-Niggurath is probably the most extensively worshipped. Her worshippers include the Hyperboreans, the Muvians, T'yog of K'naa, and the people of Sarnath, as well as any number of druidic and barbaric cults. She is also worshipped by the non-human species of the mythos, such as the "Fungi from Yuggoth" (the Mi-Go) and the Nug-Soth of Yaddith. With the proper occult paraphernalia, Shub-Niggurath can be summoned to any woodlands at the time of the new moon.

Released December 4, 2018

Written, Produced, Performed by:
  • Atrium Carceri
  • God Body Disconnect
  • Dronny Darko
  • ProtoU
  • Kolhoosi 13
  • Neizvestija
  • Northumbria
  • Apocryphos
  • Randal Collier-Ford
  • Dead Melodies
  • Flowers for Bodysnatchers
  • Ager Sonus
  • Council of Nine
  • Kammarheit
  • Gydja
  • Creation VI
  • Darkrad
  • Aegri Somnia
  • Ugasanie
  • SiJ
  • Alphaxone
  • Keosz
Artwork & Mastering: Simon Heath
Text: Donald Persson & Alistair Rennie

Dark sounds from hidden courts, ancient temples and dilapidated and forgotten civilizations.

"Some name him Hastur - others Assatur, Hali or Kaiwan. The last can, to the erudite mind, whisper something of where the supernal alliances may lie. The men of Leng are purported to know more, but that is no place for wholesome minds. Better then to seek out a Shantak. It will doubtless whisper of onyx and a frigid wind, urging you ever northward and upward. Were ye to follow, ye may glean the answers ye seek. But they would do you little good, once the unrelenting drums have hold on thee. It is better, sometimes, not to know whom ye serve." - Excerpt from Digibook

Released December 17, 2019

Written, Produced, Performed collaboratively:
  • Atrium Carceri
  • Mount Shrine
  • Dead Melodies
  • Flowers for Bodysnatchers
  • Ruptured World
  • Ager Sonus
  • Dronny Darko
  • ProtoU
  • Neizvestija
  • Dahlias Tear
  • Northumbria
  • God Body Disconnect
  • Council of Nine
  • Apocryphos
  • Wordclock
  • Gydja
  • Kolhoosi 13
  • Creation VI
  • Darkrad
  • Ugasanie
  • Alphaxone
  • SiJ
  • Sphäre Sechs
Text: Donald Persson
Artwork & Mastering: Simon Heath

Dream of snake cults and ancient temples as the venom takes hold. Follow the seers in hallucinogenic slumber and transcend significance.

"Lord Yig, spare us Your torments. Spare us Your venoms and Your blights. Spare us the wrath of Your twisted children. Spare us the impregnations of Your fangs, the planting of Your seeds in the wombs of our women folk. Spare us the abominations of Your spawn, the rigours of Your tyranny in the distorted adjuncts of Your suffering.

"Give us the means by which to flee the strangulations of their warping bodies, the grip of their obliterating crush on the circulations of our life stuffs. Spare us from the transmutations of the hours of killing, when the bodies prosper in the fragrance of their downfall, within the pungencies of their rots.
Slithering forth, they populate the basements of our lonely abodes in the Southern deserts—here, where the yokes of the serpents blend a milieu of Your deepest forebodings. We are the food of Your element, made to contemplate the woes of Your poisons—arrested by Your boiling froths, brought to our mouths, of Your vengeful bestowal." - Excerpt from Digibook

Released December 29, 2020

Written, Produced, Performed collaboratively:
  • Neizvestija
  • ProtoU
  • Dronny Darko
  • In Quantum
  • Dead Melodies
  • Atrium Carceri
  • Keosz
  • Northumbria
  • Beyond the Ghost
  • Wordclock
  • God Body Disconnect
  • Randal Collier-Ford
  • Hilyard
  • Council of Nine
  • Dahlia's Tear
  • Lesa Listvy
  • Creation VI
  • Aegri Somnia
  • Ager Sonus
  • Ruptured World
  • Alphaxone

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