Sunday, March 11, 2018


"I love things on the border of reality and fantasy -- the supernatural" - Dario Argento

Like many films that were originally widely panned by critics (2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY comes immediately to mind), Dario Argento's meticulously and calculatingly crafted 1977 Giallo, SUSPIRIA has evolved into becoming known as one of the best horror films ever made.

For me it is less that and more an art-house curiosity. Surely, it is one of the most visually arresting films ever made, and has a long string of films that have been either inspired by or have had references in an uncountable multitude. Together, Argento's direction, Luciano Tovoli's cinematography, and Giuseppi Bassan's art direction create a psychedelic dreamscape of color and sound (provided by Italian prog rock group Goblin) that is unique in cinematic history.

This article appears in the April 2018 of TOTAL FILM and provides a retrospective of the film that has been remade for.... well, name your reason.


  1. 2001: A Space Oddity?

  2. Thanks for the catch. I was listening to Bowie this morning.


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