Tuesday, October 16, 2012


To many a' Monsterologist, writer, director, video producer, and general monster-about-town Scott Essman needs little introduction. Noted for his live shows spotlighting make-up masters John Chambers and Jack Pierce, as well as numerous documentaries and video promotions about monster movies, Essman can truly be called an ambassador to Horrorwood, Karloffornia.

Following is an article he wrote for BELOW THE LINE, a film industry news blog, entitled "They're Still Alive", meaning of course that the eternal Universal monsters will never die. It summarizes the history of the legendary monster film studio and reminds the reader why the original "Universals" can still be called classics.

The article is reprinted by permission of Mr. Essman who sent it along to MONSTER MAGAZINE WORLD. Check out his website HERE.

NOTE: Be on the lookout! Starting tomorrow is the first of a two-part eBook written and published by the eternal Unviversal fan, Scott Essman, about -- what else -- Universal monsters and the studio's 100 Anniverscary!

Thanks for sharing the material, Scott!

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