Saturday, July 31, 2010


The MONSTER MAGAZINE WORLD interview with Jim Clatterbaugh, editor and publisher of MONSTERS FROM THE VAULT concludes here. Jim wraps things up with his advice on the would-be monster 'zine maker and some final words.


JIM CLATTERBAUGH: That’s a tough one. While I believe Boris Karloff was the superior actor and was much more versatile, Bela Lugosi had more charisma. If I’d been asked this question when I first started publishing MONSTERS FROM THE VAULT, the answer would have been Bela, but after 15 years of publishing MFTV, along with reading some great articles and books on the two of them (not to mention finally seeing almost their entire film catalogs on 16mm, TV, and DVD), I’ll have to go with Boris Karloff. Plus, Boris starred in my all-time favorite genre film, THE BRIDE OF FRANKENSTEIN.

 MMW: Any words of wisdom for the would-be or wanna-be monster magazine maker?

 CLATTERBAUGH: Unless you’ve got some extra money lying around that you don’t mind losing, DON’T do it! While I’d do it all over again knowing what I know now, I’d have a hard time encouraging someone else to do it. But if anyone reading this decides to roll the dice and give it a shot, remember, the rewards are not monetary, they’re the wonderful comments you’ll receive from readers year after year that make you press on in difficult times. Without those positive words, I probably would have ceased publication a long time ago. It’s also very humbling when your peers recognize your contributions to the genre and present you with awards. In 2009, Marian and I were deeply touched when we were inducted to the Rondo Hall of Fame, and to be inducted in the same year as Calvin Beck was the icing on the cake, as Beck’s CASTLE OF FRANKENSTEIN is the magazine that MONSTERS FROM THE VAULT is patterned after. And, as if entering the Rondo Hall of Fame wasn’t enough, a few months later at Monster Bash I received a Monster Bash Award (nicknamed The Forry) for my contributions to the genre and for helping to keep alive the spirit of the films and actors we all love. In short, 2009 was a VERY good year!

 MMW: Anything else you'd like to say to the MONSTER MAGAZINE WORLD out there?

CLATTERBAUGH: I'm extremely proud of what we've accomplished over the past 15 years and hope to continue to provide "The Best in Classic Horror" for many years to come. I’ve been told by many of our readers (and writers) that we’re the BEST publication EVER to cover classic horror and sci-fi films! I don’t take those words lightly, as most of those people have been reading monster magazines for the past 40 to 50 years. I’d also like to say to your readers: please support your favorite monster magazines by subscribing (it really helps the publishers), and take a chance on a monster magazine you may have never seen or read before. Some of the best magazines in the history of monster magazines are being published today, so please offer your support not only to MONSTERS FROM THE VAULT, but to SCARY MONSTERS, LITTLE SHOPPE OF HORRORS, VIDEO WATCHDOG, MONSTER BASH, MIDNIGHT MARQUEE, SCARLET THE FILM MAGAZINE, VAN HELSING'S JOURNAL MAD SCIENTIST, and SCREEM. All these publications are labors of love, and you can see it in every page. For me, it’s just like it was when I was a kid, meaning there can NEVER be too many monster magazines! I also encourage you to support the larger publications out there, such as RUE MORGUE, FANGORIA, and the newest incarnation of FAMOUS MONSTERS OF FILMLAND. While they reach a much larger audience, they still need your support to stay alive. In closing, remember, MONSTERS FROM THE VAULT is all classic—all the time!

MMW: Monstrous thanks, Jim Clatterbaugh!
Jim, Richard Olson and Friend

Jim and Marian at Dan Roebuck's House

Hall of Famers at Wonderfest 2009

Jim on the Hollywood Walk of Fame 2010


  1. Thanks, Jim! If there's ever a Horrorwood Walk of Fame, I'm sure there'll be a MFTV star on it!

  2. This interview series was EXCELLENT! What great insight into a labor of love that provides so many people with such enjoyment! Questions I would have really liked asked of Jim and any future mag producer you interview: are there any plans to produce collections of the out of print issues (maybe 4 issues in bound book format), issue reprints of sold out issues via print on demand, or electronic versions via ereaders? All three of these formats would open up these great publications to more people and I'd love to see it!


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