Tuesday, March 6, 2012


If you're on the lookout for a mega-meal of monster magazine goodness, look no further than FANGORIA. Filled to the brim and stuffed with high-calorie horror, this 'zine has got "super-value monster meal" written all over it. And I guarantee you, by the time you're done reading it from cover to cover, you will be drooling for another helping.

Take the latest issue, fer instance. Barely eleven issues in from their landmark 300th issue (that's right, 300th) and they still put out regular copy, like clockwork, 10 times a year to be exact. Issue #311 has a visually striking cover -- striking, that is, in it's noticeable lack of color. But wait -- isn't that kinda weird for a magazine that obviously prides itself on the fangiest, goriest covers this side of the Saw-mill (or at least The Centipede Factory)? What better way to showcase the Roger Corman special found within than offering up a silvertone retro-ish cover, I say!

Once you get past the first couple of pages of mind-bending ads with new stuff that you just can't live without is First Rites, the lead-off editorial by the mag's maestro, Chris Alexander. I always read this first off, as Mr. Alexander's insightful commentary sets the tone for the rest of the issue. After that, you're in monster country, pal!

I prefer jumping around the issue, and there's plenty to read. No worries about monster-lite here. While you may find the occasional one-pager (not counting reviews), most articles are pretty meaty . . . the red kind of course. The aforementioned Corman tribute runs a hefty 9 pages, and there's non-stop action with articles on such films as RABIES, ABSENTIA, THE DEVIL'S ROCK, and SILENT HOUSE, and lest I forget, the second and concluding part of the interview with kookster-genius actor Nicolas Cage. All-in-all, there's more than enough multi-page madness to keep anyone off the streets at least for a couple or three hours.

Art Director and Warren Pubs alumnus W.R. Mohalley keeps the page layouts exciting and within a thematic framework that has been a hallmark of the magazine for years. Drenched in vivid color and typeface just big enough from causing eyestrain, FANGO is indeed, a feast for any fear fan.

And, finally, just in case you're wondering what the heck is up with the FANGO-fest of promo here, I'm officially kicking off a new series of MONSTER MAGAZINE WORLD spotlight features, where a 'zine that I feel is deserving gets a break and is put in front of the centipede conga-line. Besides, if I were to choose but one Desert Island Monster 'Zine, FANGORIA would be near the top of my list . . . maybe even higher.

Want flies with that monster burger?

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