Sunday, September 15, 2024



  1. It always cracks me up a bit in these Cannon stories how the girls cannot keep their clothes on. Everybody else is fully-clothed but the dames are naked. Thanks Wally!

  2. A definite Wood forte -- Lucky for us he could draw them so perfectly!

  3. Yeah-- those "Babes in the (Wallace) Woods" are definitely one of the best things about his unrestrained work. And I'm sure the original audience for these CANNON strips really enjoyed them.

    Strangely enough, even though the cheesecake and female nudity in this strip is so gratutious as to be occasionally eye-rolling, for me it's still somehow much more appealing than the work that I've seen since the early '90s or so.

    Maybe I'm just getting old, but the way artists like Arthur Adams (yeah, I know he has a lot of fans) and most of the post-Image Studios crowd handle "Good Girl Art" is frequently just cringe-inducing for me, rather than appealing. (And I'm speaking as someone who can appreciate Bill Ward and Eric Stanton.) It just seems to be trying WAY too hard to be "sexy" and failing because of that.

    And here's another "swipe" spotted: "Uncle Fred's" house in the last panel of the third strip in this batch is another lift from Reed Crandall-- the title domicile from the splash panel of "The Judge's House" in CREEPY #5, dilapidated picket fence and all!

    (Of course, Wood allegedly said: "Never draw anything you can copy, never copy anything you can trace, never trace anything you can cut out and paste up."

    And he sure as hell wasn't the only one doing it-- and at least he made it work within his own art.)

    Thanks again for posting these, John! Is there any chance of a follow-up after the last strip's "To be continued"-- or is this all there was?

    -- hsc


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