Saturday, October 21, 2023


Okay, Monster Kids, here's another one of my homemade monster mags from the dim, distant past -- 50 years to be exact! At this moment in MONSTER MAGAZINES's history, I was living in the Florida Keys (in case you're wondering, Marathon is about halfway in the middle). In between working, fishing and stuffing all the grouper I could get into my mouth, I managed to have a little spare time here and there. Living in a truck camper, I didn't have a lot of room for my stuff (I used the tiny fridge for a book case!), but for some reason I thought to bring along a small stash of clippings and pics.

Call it arrested development or just nostalgia, at some point, I decided I'd make another two issues or so until my youthful exuberance for this type of pastime was assuaged.

This is issue #23, "published" in the Spring of 1973. As you can see from my previous posts, I got a little more artsy-fartsy with the page layouts and I wrote longer articles than in earlier issues, which were photo-heavy.

I brought along an Adler portable typewriter that I received from my best friend's parents for my high school graduation (I still have it!) and used that to type out the text. Surprisingly, there's not much in the way of erasures or type-overs.

There are a few errors in the content -- the caption for THE VAMPIRE'S LOVER is properly known as THE VAMPIRE AND THE BALLERINA, and some of the info about Jack Pierce's makeup for the Frankenstein monster is inaccurate.

I guess I was always a Monster Kid at heart, and judging from this blog you are reading right now, I still am!

So, without further ado, I present the 23rd issue of MONSTERS MAGAZINE!

1 comment:

  1. Impressive. The closest to this kind of thing I ever did was about the same time, I was running (for a brief time) an APA focused on comics. Without my beloved wife, I'd never have been able to do all the typing necessary. Those were heady pre-computer days amigo.


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