Sunday, May 7, 2023


It's no secret that the so-called "drug culture" got mainlined in the 1960's. From "the hip" to hippies, experimenting at first with pot and acid, those living in places like San Francisco and Berkeley in particular eventually fell prey to the seduction of heroin and other hard drugs which essentially destroyed any notion of "Flower Power". Suddenly, the "beautiful people" weren't so beautiful.

Now, illicit drugs are killing more people than ever. The recent addition of fentanyl and the animal tranquilizer, known as "tranq" have introduced a more potent and deadly mix to street drugs. We can chuckle at films like REEFER MADNESS and other warnings about drug use from earlier days, but it looks like the originators of these messages weren't too far off the mark.

This public service comic, HOOKED, was published in 1967 by Information Materials Press and distributed for free.

This has been a WORLD OF MONSTERS Pop Culture Moment.


  1. The addition of Fentanyl and such to drugs is nothing but plain old poisoning. It stuns me what people will put into their bodies, but this adulteration is literally murder. My daughter lost a former student to just this thing only a few weeks ago, a freshman in high school. I'm unsure how willfully killing off your customers is good for even illegal businesses.

  2. I don't get the logic, either. Maybe they figure there's an endless supply of users, which it appears there are. I used to love going into Seattle and enjoying a day of browsing record and bookshops and good food. No matter what you're hearing, that city has turned into an armpit. There are so many homeless encampments and open drug use that I stopped going. It's a damn shame.


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