Sunday, September 12, 2021


Nature is not mute. It is man who is deaf.
-Terrence McKenna

One way to listen to the health of the earth is through its wildlife. Birds, mammals, insects, even flowers and trees can indicate or foretell changes in the environment. In these times, with the help of recording and analyzing data along with other technological tools, we can observe these changes from a much larger perspective than ever and with better accuracy.

One indication is shown time and again by the noble symbol of the American Bald Eagle. The stately avian that seems to embody strength and power is in reality, quite fragile. The species has somehow endured through such lethal dangers as poisoning from DDT, and most recently, its seeming lack of capability to navigate through the fields of wind turbines that are popping up like mushrooms across the country.

Another persistent hazard that has been killing many eagles -- as well as fish and invertebrates -- is a neurotoxin that is created by an invasive aquatic weed caused by a chemical in the same herbicide that is used to kill it.

This article in the SCIENCE magazine (26 March 2021) explains.

When all is said and done, will our advanced knowledge and technology be enough to halt the devastation to our birds and other wildlife?

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