Sunday, March 21, 2021


I have read over the years that scientists and other experts claim that insects and rodents may one day be the predominant life on our planet. I find it hard to disagree. They both have an uncanny knack for survival, as well as unimaginable reproduction capabilities. Notwithstanding the cicada horde that is expected to hit the south this year, here's a video showing a literal wave of mice that have eaten their way through Australian farmer's crops. Text source is Coast 2 Coast AM website.

Millions of mice have invaded rural farms and towns across New South Wales, Australia, drawn by this season's bumper grain harvest. Record rainfall, usually a boon for farmers, has boosted crop production but also attracted a plague of rodents to the region. Video footage from local news media shows innumerable mice running rampant across the area and damaging everything in their wake. Businesses including motels, supermarkets, and shops have also been effected by the rodent invasion, and several people have been hospitalized for bites.

And, again from C2C, word has it that Arnold Schwarzenegger would be the best person to handle an alien invasion of Earth. Here's the 4-1-1:

An odd survey asking which celebrity would be the ideal person to handle an alien invasion found iconic actor Arnold Schwarzenegger taking the top spot. The weird poll, reportedly conducted by the British TV station Blaze as part of their forthcoming 'UFO week,' asked 2,000 residents of the country which star they felt would be most equipped to deal with the arrival of hostile ETs here on Earth. Perhaps in light of his dual status as both action hero and politician, the Terminator star came in first place, followed by Will Smith, who famously fended off fictional invading aliens in the film Independence Day.

Coming in at 8th place, former president Donald Trump ranked highest among world leaders, besting British prime minister Boris Johnson, who was 12th, as well as Vice President Kamala Harris (19) and current president Joe Biden, who was at the bottom of the top 20 list. Asked how they would personally handle an alien invasion, 26% of the respondents indicated that they would gather supplies to hopefully survive the situation while a mere 10 percent said that they would try to broker peace with the extraterrestrials, likely making them the cautionary first victims of the space siege. In response to his first place showing, Schwarzenegger took to Twitter and declared, "I want to thank the people for putting their faith in me. I am ready to serve."

I feel safer already!

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