Saturday, July 25, 2020


Vol. 1 No. 1
September 1976
Avenue Victor Hugo Publishers
Publisher: Vincent Mcaffrey
Editor: Charles C. Ryan
Associate Editor: Thomas Owen
Front cover: Tom Barber, "The Starry Messenger"
Back cover: Tom Barber, "The Spectre"
Pages: 82
Cover price: $1.50

A promising start for a new science-fiction magazine in 1976, when there was a lull in monster films and sci-fi ruled the planet. Next year's STAR WARS would see to that.

Prefiguring its soon-to-be counterpart, OMNI, GALILEO was a full-sized magazine and the appearance of THE TWILIGHT ZONE MAGAZINE five years later bears more than a passing resemblance to GALILEO's format and design.

Tom Barber's nice cover of the astronomer Galileo sets the magazine off in its thematic direction. His back cover painting evokes inspiration from the two Franks, Frazetta and Brunner.

Inside, Arthur C. Clarke writes about the future of communication and Ray Bradbury conducts an imaginary interview with Jules Verne. There is some pretty good fiction here as well, and fans of Wendy Pini will recognize one of her full-page illustrations.

A little off the beaten track for monster fans, but worth a look-see!

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