Sunday, September 9, 2018


By Tim Binnall

An independent researcher from England scouring the planet using Google Earth believes that he has discovered the wreckage of doomed flight MH370 sitting in a Cambodian jungle. Ian Wilson told a British newspaper that he spent hours studying the program's satellite images and was astounded when he stumbled upon one particular photo which appears to show the distinct shape of a jet airliner. Intriguingly, the craft in question is located amid the lush greenery of Cambodia in an area where MH370 had initially been thought to have flown over when it went astray.

According to Wilson, the odd airliner found in the photo looks to measure around 20 feet longer than a Boeing 777, which was MH370's aircraft type. He accounts for this discrepancy by noting that there seems to be a sizeable gap in the potential wreckage, which may explain why the measurements do not match. Although authorities in Malaysia conceded that they could not outright rule out Wilson's weird find, they insisted that Google had already accounted for the plane in the image and that it was simply a normal jet photographed in mid-flight.

Nonetheless, other researchers studying the case have asked Google to turn their cameras back towards the area to see if there is still a plane there or not. Meanwhile, Wilson plans to charter a helicopter to the location in search of the wreckage. Should his mission prove successful, he argues that he should receive some kind of reward from the Malaysian government, since they offered $70 million dollars to the failed Ocean Infinity expedition earlier this year. While we're not quite sure that is how it works, we wish Wilson the best in his quest, since being the person to solve the MH370 mission once and for all may be bigger than any cash prize.

[SOURCE: Coast 2 Coast AM.]

By Tim Binnall

If you've ever wanted to own a clairvoyant creature, you may be in luck thanks to a bizarre ad selling a psychic cat on the Russian equivalent of Craigslist. The strange listing appeared over the weekend on the website Avito and initially, with the simple title of 'selling a British cat', did not stand out among the other feline companion offerings. However, the price tag for this particular animal caught the attention of users as its owner, known only as Vladimir, was asking for a whopping 5 million Russian rubles, which loosely equates to an astounding $75,000 American dollars.

The reason for the cat's astronomical cost, he explained, is that the cat possesses an array of magic powers. Chiefly among them, Vladimir claimed, is that it "sees ghosts and spirits" and, as such, it can determine their presence in your home, regardless of whether the apparitions are good or evil. Although the ad's translation to English may not be exact, the final line of the listing is rather worrisome as he cautions, "you need to deal with it, you need good hands."

To our everlasting appreciation, some Russian media outlets managed to track down Vladimir and reported some additional details about Sibgeo the psychic cat. According to him, the animal revealed its unique nature when Vladimir was looking at buying a house and brought the feline along to look at one prospective location. It was there that the animal acted strangely and it was later learned that, at the home, "the grandmother lived a bad life" which Vladimir believed was being conveyed by Sibgeo's odd behavior, musing "he felt it and warned us in this way."

As to why Vladimir would want to give up such a gifted animal, his reasoning was rather suspect as he simply said that he felt forced to sell the animal because he is moving from a spacious piece of land to a more restricting apartment. While we applaud his commitment to making sure that Sibgeo lives the best life, one can't help but feel that the excuse is somewhat flimsy considering that we're talking about a psychic cat here.

Regardless of that and oddly enough, should Vladimir's ad prove successful in netting the exorbitant sum, he'll actually be the second such individual to pull off such a feat in the last year or so as another psychic cat in Russia sold for a jaw-dropping $83,000 dollars back in January of 2017. With that in mind, the decision to part with the mystic feline makes a bit more sense since, apparently, it's a seller's market when it comes to psychic cats in Russia.

[SOURCE: Coast 2 Coast AM.]


An odd piece of footage out of England seemingly shows some kind of sea serpent swimming in the famed River Tyne. Kevin Burton was enjoying his morning coffee on a pier in the town of Tynemouth in early August when he spotted the mysterious creature. Puzzled by what he was watching in the water, the curious witness fortunately managed to capture some footage of the perplexing scene and posted it to YouTube, joking that perhaps he'd had the first sighting of the Loch Ness Monster outside of Scotland.

Burton's video features a long, dark object emerging from the water and then dipping below the surface with only a small portion of the anomaly visible. It then appears to briefly resurface and swim along the river before finally vanishing for good. The footage is made somewhat remarkable by the fact that it provides a fairly clear glimpse of the anomaly for a rather long period of time.

Despite those promising characteristics, the video has proven to be difficult to decipher when it comes to determining what the potential creature may have been. A marine biologist consulted by a local newspaper opined that it could be a conger eel, which he described as an "exciting" possibility, or, conversely, it could simply be a piece of kelp that was being propelled by the current to look like an animal in the water. What's your theory on the nature of the anomaly filmed by Burton?

[SOURCE: Coast 2 Coast AM.]


The strange affliction that affected US embassy workers in Cuba and China may have been due to focused microwave attacks, according to a recent report in the New York Times. Analysts have cited the "Frey effect," in which microwaves are perceived as loud noises or buzzing as one of the defining features of the incidents. A 2014 statement from the NSA warned that foreign powers had built weapons "designed to bathe a target's living quarters in microwaves, causing numerous physical effects, including a damaged nervous system."

One leading investigator, James C. Lin, further outlined the effects of microwave strikes that could be conducted via a satellite dish-sized weapon mounted in a van, boat, or helicopter. In addition to the loud unexplained sounds, he said the diplomats possibly experienced nausea, headaches, and vertigo, and most alarmingly, brain-tissue injury. Washington lawyer Mark Zaid who represents eight of the victims remarked it's "naïve to think this just started now" and that such covert attacks have probably been going on for decades.

[SOURCE: Coast 2 Coast AM.]

By Tim Binnall

A rather clever concept to promote a forthcoming haunted house attraction in Florida proved to be a bit too realistic for some people. According to a local TV station, the organizers behind the 'Torment Factory' haunted house in the city Gainesville recently sent a number of creepy-looking letters to various media outlets. The missives, covered in fake blood and designed to look like a ransom note, declared "I’ve been watching you. I've enjoyed your craft and can't wait to show you mine."

Unfortunately, the letters were so well-crafted that a number of recipients failed to realize that they were actually advertisements and, instead, thought they were being targeted by some disturbed individual. Authorities say that a number of people who received they letter promptly called police to report the unsettling piece of mail. "A lot of the people that called were thinking they had an actual stalker and were very frightened on this," said a representative with the Gainesville police department, "these went to people's homes and some went to businesses."

It was eventually determined that the letters had come from the soon-to-open haunted house and that they were only meant to generate a buzz about the business. Despite purposely avoiding threatening language or words that they thought could be misconstrued as menacing, the campaign was clearly more successful than even the organizers could have imagined, since they wound up making the news by way of the panic they can caused. The group has promised that future missives planned for before the grand opening will be "more fluffy and not so creepy."

[SOURCE: Coast 2 Coast AM.]

By Tim Binnall

A whopping eight sheep on a farm in Ukraine were slain in one night by a yet-to-be-identified predator that downed the unfortunate animals by draining their blood. The bizarre incident reportedly took place earlier this week in the village of Matyevevtsi and has left residents as well as experts in the area baffled. The gruesome scene was first discovered by farmer Mikhail Ostapyuk who stumbled upon the dead sheep when he got up in the morning and went to tend to the flock which had been perfectly fine the previous night.

An examination of the animals indicated that they were killed in succession by something that was in serious need of sustenance and found it in a rather strange form. According to a veterinarian investigating the case, the sheep had all of the blood drained from their bodies to the point that even their hearts were found to be bone dry. "There is nothing in the heart. The heart is empty," marveled Maria Andriychuk, who had seemingly never seen such a thing in her forty years of working as a vet.

The nature of the animals' demise has also left local residents rattled as the creature only sought the blood of the sheep and opted to leave behind the rest of their remains. This is particularly perplexing because what initially appears to be the obvious culprit, some kind of canine like a wild dog or wolf, would be expected to feast on the flesh of its prey. As such, no one is quite sure what could have killed the sheep and, at this point, they're probably just hoping it won't come back.

It should come as no surprise to paranormal enthusiasts that the unsettling case has conjured concerns that the sheep could have been killed by a chupacabra, which is infamous for its thirst for blood. However, at least one village dismissed this theory out of hand with some fantastic wisdom which was news to us. "It cannot be," they said, "because the chupacabra does not attack sheep. It only goes for rabbits."

[SOURCE: Coast 2 Coast AM.]

By Tim Binnall

A tantalizing find made at Russia's Dyatlov Pass may shed light on the mystery of what killed nine hikers at the site. Located in the Ural Mountains, the remote patch of wilderness became infamous in paranormal lore after a 1959 incident which saw a hiking party perish under bizarre circumstances. Despite a contemporaneous investigation by Russian officials and subsequent decades of study from independent researchers, the cause of the strange event has never been fully determined.

However, a discovery made by a tourist visiting the area could either constitute a break in the case or yet another glimmer of false hope for those who wish the see the mystery resolved. The unnamed individual reportedly stumbled upon an intriguing piece of metal while visiting the area back in 2008. Remarkably, the find was only recently confirmed after an expedition finally made their way out to the specific location to both see the object for themselves and to bring it back to civilization to be studied.

Researchers in Russia say that the mysterious metal fragment, which measures around three feet long by three feet wide, appears to be some kind of debris from an intercontinental missile. Although it's hard to fathom that a piece of evidence from the Dyatlov Pass incident could have survived undiscovered in the Ural mountains for nearly sixty years, the extremely remote nature of the location leaves open the possibility that it very well may have. Presumably an examination of the metal will allow for it to be identified and, in turn, place it within some time frame which will reveal whether or not it is connected to the case.

Should it be proven that the metal came from a missile being used or tested at the time that the hikers died, it would add considerable strength to the longstanding suspicion that the hikers fell victim to some kind of weapon that was clandestine at the time. While we wait to find out the nature of the debris, Coast Insiders can learn more about the Dyatlov Pass incident via the 12/20/2015 edition of the program featuring author Keith McCloskey as well as the 10/21/2013 program featuring filmmaker Donnie Eichar.

[SOURCE: Coast 2 Coast AM.]


Carlsberg glues beer cans together becoming first brewery to abandon plastic rings

Carlsberg beer cans are to be stuck together with glue as it becomes the first brewer to abandon plastic rings.

The Danish firm said the move, which has been heralded as a world-first, to attach its multi-packs with adhesive will reduce the use of plastic to package products by 75 per cent.

After a three-year development process, Carlsberg insists the dots of glue bonding its new "Snap Packs" are strong enough to withstand journeys from shelves to homes, yet sufficiently brittle to break when twisted.

The eco-friendly packaging innovation will be debuted in the UK, where 30 per cent of Carlsberg's beer output is drank every year.

At an official launch event in Copenhagen, inventor Christopher Stuhlmann revealed how a trip to his local DIY store helped convince him that his brainwave could become a reality.

"The starting point was going to a hardware shop and buying all the adhesive I could get, all the glue that was there," said Mr Stuhlmann, who works for one of Carlsberg's design partners.

"Over the weekend I just glued things together and made a short video for my CEO and so the idea was born."

The technology has the support of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), which has hailed it as a "big step" in efforts to tackle the worsening global scourge of plastic pollution.

To mark the launch, the brewery unveiled a replica of Copenhagen's famous Little Mermaid statue - an artwork originally donated by Carlsberg's founders, the Jacobsen family - made from the new Snap Packs.


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