Tuesday, September 4, 2018


The popular Sunday supplement found in many U.S. newspapers has published a special FRANKENSTEIN COLLECTOR'S EDITION magazine commemorating the 200th Anniversary of Mary Shelley's monster.

I was surprised to see it for sale on the Barnes & Noble newsstand. It covers the chronology of the Universal Studios films and the various sidelines that have been created about the monster.

It's a little pricey at $12.99, but it's a nicely-produced magazine. Although it looks to cover the kind of ground that Monsterologists are already familiar with, it would be useful to anyone not familiar with Frankenstein in the films (but who isn't?) or wanting to have a summary of Frankie's career between two magazine covers.

One gripe that I have is that, while taking an admittedly quick look through the pages, I found no reference to the man responsible for creating our collective modern image of the Frankenstein Monster, Jack P. Pierce. That will be remedied with an updated message from MMW. Stay tuned. . .

Back cover.

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