Thursday, February 8, 2018


Vol. 1 No. 26
Editor & Publisher: Mark Frank
Associate Editor: Jim Wnoroski
Consulting Editor: Ronald V. Borst
Art Editor: Bill Nelson
Cover artist: Bill Nelson
Pages: 52

For the times, PHOTON was the best indie monster magazine going. Larry Ivie's MONSTERS & HEROES had faded off into the sunset and Richard Klemensens' LITTLE SHOPPE OF HORRORS, while an excellent fan mag, was Hammer-centric in its editorial content. In reality, the only title that came close to it in depth and scholarship of coverage was Frederick S. Clark's CINEFANTASTIQUE. And that's saying a lot.

Editor and publisher Mark Frank had the great fortune of having a very talented staff, and this issue was no exception to the ones that had come before -- which means it was superb. Bill Warren writes about one of my most favorite horror/fantasy films, PHANTOM OF THE PARADISE. Ronald V. Borst and Scott MacQueen (if you don't know of these two, you've been shut in your coffin too long) offer up a seriously in-depth retrospective of the much-deserving CURSE OF THE DEMON. Alain J. Silver and James Ursini (the duo that gave us the great book, "The Vampire Film") cover the works of Mario Bava. And that's just the long stuff. There's more monster goodness in this issue than you can shake a sprig of Wolfbane at!

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