Saturday, January 6, 2018


The year 2017 was filled with many strange stories from around the world. Paranormal talk radio show COAST 2 COAST AM offered a list of what they thought were the strangest. Here are a half-dozen of them.

A village in India is buzzing over the birth of a remarkable one-eyed goat that some residents have taken to calling a 'miracle.'

The unlikely cyclops was born on May 10th in the Indian state of Assam and instantly captured the attention and imagination of villagers there.

Along with its jaw-dropping singular eye, the baby goat was also born with only one ear, making the unfortunate creature truly a sight to behold.

Although veterinarians suggested that the goat, which is stricken with a condition known as 'cyclopia,' would only live for a few days, it has managed to survive so far, much to the amazement of local residents.

And, as word of the unique creature spread throughout the area, people have begun flocking to the village to see the one-eyed goat, including some who actually worship it.

For his part, the owner of the animal sees the goat as a profound blessing, since the creature has attracted so much attention and made his family 'famous.'

Despite all that, it appears that the one-eyed goat still has no name, although 'Cy' and 'Wink' would probably both work.

Source: Daily Mail


A bizarre piece of footage from Turkey captures a disgruntled woman taking her frustrations out on an innocent snowman that ultimately gets the last laugh.

The strange scene begins with the woman brazenly walking up to the snowman, kicking it in its 'midsection.'

When the frosty formation does not topple from the attack, the undeterred woman begins circling around it, sizing it up for a subsequent assault.

She eventually squeezes behind the snowman and pushes the entire thing over onto the sidewalk.

However, her victory turns out to be short-lived when she climbs atop the snowman to deliver one final, fatal blow.

In an incredible display of karmic justice, the woman loses her footing and takes a brutal fall onto the sidewalk.

Suffering a badly bruised ego, at the very least, the woman gets off the ground and gingerly limps away from the scene.

We're guessing that what she decided to pick a fight with the snowman that she didn't expect to come out on the losing end of the battle, but it's pretty safe to say that's exactly what happened.

Source: Daily Mail

An elderly woman in Bosnia has developed a reputation as a healer in her community via her bizarre practice of licking eyeballs clean and sometime curing them of ailments.

The 80-year-old Hava Celebic uses her unorthodox technique to extract various pieces of debris, including bits of metal, glass, and sawdust, from the eyes of people who seek her help.

Some even say that the woman healed their eyes of ailments that doctors could not treat.

Claiming to have helped over 5,000 people through her work, Celebic laments that she will be last eyeball licker in her family and that the tradition will not continue after she is gone.

"Unfortunately I cannot pass this to my descendants, because my children are too disgusted to put their tongue on someone's eye," she revealed, likely to the surprise of no one.

Nonetheless, there may be a chance that her work will continue into the future as villagers have told her they plan to remove her tongue after she dies so that they can continue to use it to heal those in need.

Whether people will make use of the severed tongue remains to be seen as the thought of having your eye cleaned by a dead woman's tongue is an even more unsettling scenario than the current one featuring the still-living Celebic.

Then again, as anyone who has had the maddening experience of having something small stuck in their eye for a long period can attest, desperate times can often call for desperate measures.

Source: Express


A family in Florida woke up to a head-scratching scene on Saturday morning when they discovered that packages of meat had fallen from the sky onto the roof of their home!

The strange mystery began as many such cases do: with a booming sound in the middle of the night that the Adair family likened to the cacophony of thunder.

When they looked outside the next morning, the family discovered two packages containing Italian sausage meat sitting in the grass on a side yard of the house.

This led them to conclude that the out-of-place meat was probably connected to the commotion that occurred during the night and their suspicions were confirmed when they found three more packages of the mystery meat on their roof.

In total, the Adairs counted a whopping 15 pounds of meat that had mysteriously appeared on and around their home during the night.

Compounding the weirdness of the incident, the meat was wrapped in packaging which bore the name of an Alabama land-clearing company who, when contacted, had no idea why their business' name was stamped on the wrapper.

Therefore, the origin of the meat is as much an enigma as how it ended up seemingly dropping out of the air above the Adair home.

The prevalent theory from the family is that it somehow was dropped from a plane, although even that does not explain the strange labeling for the meat.

Another possibility, that it was part of an odd drug deal that went awry, also does not seem to be the case as a check of the meat yielded no signs of narcotics nor drugs.

For now, the Adairs are left with more questions than answers and simply hope that they are not left to forever wonder what exactly happened the night that their home was hit by meat plummeting from the sky.

Source: WPLG Orlando

In a bizarre story out of Russia, a man claims to have turned torment into treasure after selling his troublesome 'psychic' cat for a whopping sum.

Known only as Dmitry R., the man says that he inherited the cat from his late aunt, but grew weary of the creature after it began displaying strange behavior such as allegedly appearing behind locked doors.

Eventually, Dmitry explained, the feisty feline even began influencing his mind and making him feel compelled to immediately go buy specific food that the cat was craving.

As one might expect, this all began to take a toll on Dmitry's marriage and so he decided that it was time to part ways with the 'psychic' cat.

Fortunately, there is apparently quite the market for clairvoyant cats in Russia as Dmitry purportedly sold the creature to a 'Siberian witch' that had traveled nearly 3,000 miles to procure the animal.

According to him, the woman arrived at his home with a bevy of tools used for divination and ultimately decided that she simply had to have the cat and paid an astounding $83,000 for the creature.

Intending to use the animal in her psychic practice, the 'witch' expressed confidence to Dmitry that the cat would easily pay for itself via its supernatural abilities.

While one may think that Dmitry's extraordinary experience is hard to believe, Russian media appears to disagree as his story has received considerable attention and actually gone viral throughout the country.

And, in one final weird detail to an already strange tale, the cat boasts a remarkably mundane name for a creature said to be imbued with psychic powers: Charles Ultkins.

How a psychic Russian cat somehow wound up with the name Charles Ultkins may be the most mysterious and vexing aspect of the entire saga.

Source: Daily Mail


A jaw-dropping video of an enormous chicken has taken the Internet by storm as viewers cannot take their eyes off the astounding animal.

In the fantastic footage, the monstrous bird can be seen emerging from its coop and slowly revealing its incredible size in a mesmerizing fashion where it seemingly just keeps getting bigger.

The animal's size almost seems to be too much for the bird, itself, as it stumbles down the ramp to its coop, but eventually regains its footing and struts around the yard in a manner befitting a giant chicken.

Lest one think the creature's size is some sort of trick or hoax, the presence of a second chicken nearby makes it all too clear that the giant bird is all too real.

Since the video appeared online Sunday morning, the footage has spread like wildlife with viewers expressing amazement and terror as well as suspicions that the chicken may be a man in a suit.

Although that would probably only make the video even more amazing, the bird has actually been identified as a Brahma rooster, which are creatures renowned for their size.

With that in mind, we're not sure who to feel worse for: the giant chicken, for becoming an unwitting worldwide punchline, or the poor bird who has to share a coop with it.

Source: USA Today


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