Sunday, January 30, 2011


Okay, now listen up, monster lovers -- MONSTERS FROM THE VAULT #28 is NOW AVAILABLE! According to editor Jim Clatterbaugh's website, both subscriber and single copy orders will start shipping tomorrow, 31 JANUARY 2011.

This is awesome news. MONSTERS FROM THE VAULT is one of the premier 'zines covering classic horror films. The writing is always top-notch and the selection of photos, as well as their crystal clear reproduction, are second-to-none. This magazine gets the MONSTER MAGAZINE WORLD stomp of approval as one of the "MUST BUYS" for monster mags that are currently being published. Click on the beautiful Daniel Horne Bride of Frankenstein cover on the sidebar and you will be taken directly to the MONSTERS FROM THE VAULT website to order.

Saturday, January 29, 2011


Hey, everybody! You can do Dracula's bidding and post a comment any time here at MONSTER MAGAZINE WORLD. As Bela intones, I consider this blog to be as much for you as it is for me, so I encourage your feedback. Let me know what you like, what you (heavens!) don't like, or what you'd like to see more of. Heck, if you just want to heap praise, you can do that, too! In any event, I'll do my best to deliver the goods.

Also ready for your fevered finger clicking are the "emoti-text" check boxes at the bottom of each post. Go ahead, click on a few. They won't bite! While they really don't serve a huge purpose, I'm sure you'll feel much better after you try one.

It's also been great seeing visitors from the four corners of the planet spending time here. I'll be continuing to add more info about international monster magazines from time to time, 'cause there's lots of monster 'zine mayhem going on in the world right now. After all, this isn't called MONSTER MAGAZINE WORLD for nuthin'!

[Image (slightly altered) from MONSTERS TO LAUGH WITH #1]


Good evening. This one's for all you horror history buffs. On this date in 1845, Edgar Allan Poe's poem "The Raven" was first published in The New York Evening Mirror.

Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary,
Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore,
While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,
As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door.
'Tis some visitor," I muttered, "tapping at my chamber door —
Only this, and nothing more."
[The Raven by E.A. Poe. First Stanza]


There's a buzz going on at the MYSTERIOUS MANSION, and it's not just from the critters flying around the forgotton prisoner down in the basement. MONSTER MAGAZINE WORLD has just been accepted into the tattered wrappings of the LEAGUE OF TANA TEA DRINKERS, a consortium of creatures all with their own monster and horror blogs, and sharin' the love. This league of seemingly quite loathsome individuals is helmed by founder John Cozzoli over at ZOMBO'S CLOSET OF HORRORS (see link on sidebar).

Thanks, guys! After having my fortune read in the sands of the Sahara and shambling up the Hill of the Seven Jackals, I have entered the tomb of Ananka to pledge my obeisance. I hope the High Priests of Karnak find this humble servant of the monster blogging community . . . worthy. As for this Tana tea stuff, it's a little like thinned-down tapioca, but the results are marvelous -- especially the Three Pyramids 9-Leaf Brand!

Friday, January 28, 2011


No. 108
Editor: Dave Alexander
Publication Date: January/February 2011
Publisher: Marrs Media, Inc.
Color cover/ Full color interior
72 pages (including covers)
Cover price: $9.95
Subscription rates: Half year (six issues): $59.70 US; One year (11 issues): $74.95 US

You gotta admit, RUE MORGUE magazine is just like a fine Bar-B-Q steak dinner with all the trimmings, it makes you salivate with a gnawing hunger just by looking at it. Exquisitely designed, beautifully printed, and the articles and photos ain’t bad, either!

But, you know, the people that make monster ‘zines look like they do oftentimes go unheralded. So here goes: Art Director Gary Pullin and Graphic Designer Justin Erickson . . . congratulations for making RUE MORGUE the overall best looking monster mag on the market today! Others come close, a few closer than others, but Da Morgue rules when it comes to hardcopy eye candy.

So, what’s in store for the reader in issue #108? The usual bumper crop of departments that offer everything from movie reviews (both new and old), books, comics, music, games, web site recommendations (brilliantly titled “Roadkill”), and one of my favorites in each issue, a full page filled with the “Coroner’s Report: Weird Stats & Morbid Facts”, “Tortured Taglines” – weird and wacky blurbs from movies posters, the “Sick Top Six” listing gory ways that people get off’ed in movies, and, last but not least, the cartoon “Disfigured Speech” which takes common phrases and puts a morbid twist on them. If that sounds like a lot of fun, it is!

For features, leading off is Monica S. Kuebler’s “Piety and Pestilence”, where she asks the question, since the Middle Ages were so dark, depressing, brutal and bloody, why aren’t more horror films set in the period? She cites Vincent Price’s THE MASQUE OF THE RED DEATH, but stops there, ‘cause there’s not much more to mention. The new films, SEASON OF THE WITCH and BLACK DEATH are here to resolve that factoid. Monica interviews BLACK DEATH’s director, Christopher Smith, to explain a little.

Next up is a talk with Ji-Woon Kim who’s KILLER IN ME KILLER IN YOU has garnered the ostentatious distinction of being South Korea’s most graphic and violent film to date. This is followed by a shorter piece on Asian serial killer movies. Kinda makes ya’ all warm and fuzzy so far, huh?

There’s a review of 2010 in media, but I didn’t see an entry for best publication other than in books. Well, I guess it would be silly, since I’m sure the folks at RUE MORGUE, even being a humble sort, would lean toward voting for their own ‘zine (how could you blame them?). Some of the highlights from the selections chosen by the staff were: [REC] 2 Best Feature Film, Greg Nicotero’s UNITED MONSTER TALENT AGENCY (you can see that right here at MONSTER MAGAZINE WORLD -- just click HERE) Best Short Film, PIRANHA 3-D Best Guilty Pleasure, THE WALKING DEAD Best Television Show, and THE ART OF HAMMER Best Art Book. Rounding things off are 2011 horror convention and film festival schedules.

All-in-all, the usual meaty fare from the folks at RUE MORGUE. And, just like that scrumptious Bar-B-Q steak, it’s smokin’, juicy, and runnin’ with the red stuff. Dig in, monster lovers.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

FILMFAXplus NO. 125

No. 125
Editor: Michael Stein
Publication Date: Fall 2010
Publisher: FILMFAX, Inc.
Color cover/ B&W interior
116 pages (including covers)
Cover price: $9.95
Subscription rates: One year: $30.00 US; Two years: $55.00 US

Hooray! FILMFAX has finally gone glossy! No more time-yellowed pages in the monster mag box for this venerable ‘zine, who celebrate their 125th issue in fine style. A key to FILMFAX’s success, I believe has been its ability to remain flexible in its coverage during times of movie fads and fancies. As a result, FILMFAX has been able to “morph with the times”, so to speak, and perhaps more effectively than any other commercial genre ‘zine.

True, FILMFAX (now with a title change to FILMFAXplus) could be considered one of those borderline genre hybrids that I’ve mentioned before (e.g. CINEMA RETRO). While primarily a monster/sci-fi magazine, FILMFAX has not been afraid to take editorial forays into all sorts of interesting movie topics – so much at one time that they devoted an entire magazine, OUTRÉ, from what seemed like the overflow. It appears now that they’ve tightened up the purse strings and combined everything into one magazine. It’s a smart idea, because it all works perfectly.

FILMFAX continues to be almost gratuitously ad-heavy, as a good part of each issue is taken up by pages selling the stuff they write about. Not such a bad thing, once you get used to it. Plus, now available direct from the FILMFAX private vaults are all sorts of stills, press books, and other one-of-a-kind memorabilia. The end result is almost like getting a full-size mail order catalogue along with your regular magazine for your 10 bucks.

Now, what about the contents itself this time around? Well, there’s plenty enough to chew on here. There’s material on NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD (what monster mag would be brain dead enough NOT to include at least one thing about zombies in their issue?), an interview with Kim (FIEND WITHOUT A FACE) Parker, a really interesting piece on the “almost” forgotten films of Richard Gordon, a feature on Bob Burns, a look at JAWS 3-D (what self-respecting monster mag would be brain dead enough NOT to include at least one thing about 3-D movies in their issue?), and tons more. Cripes, there’s even an article on the Saturday Morning Cartoon character, THUNDARR, THE BARBARIAN!

If I had to come up with a gripe with FILMFAX, I’d have to say they could stand to improve on their photo repros. Even with the contrast of printing on glossy stock, they’ve got a good long ways to go with matching the hi-def sharpness and quality that can be found in such so-called “fanzines” as Jim Clatterbaugh’s magnificent MONSTERS FROM THE VAULT or upstart David Davey’s new creation, UNDYING MONSTERS. And, while nothing to do with the publication, per se, they could definitely use a sexier website and more user and shopper-friendly browsing options.

I’ve always considered FILMFAX to be about the most “literary” of the so-called “pro-zines”. Editor Michael Stein’s got a stable of top-notch, well-known and well-respected research journalists and writers aboard. If you enjoy discovering new details about a lot of old monster movies, it’s hard to beat FILMFAX. As mentioned in a previous post, after picking up a copy of issue #7, I have FILMFAX to rekindle my interest in monster ‘zines after a long drought without paying them much attention. After reading their historic 125th Anniversary issue, I’m as excited as ever to once again, be reading this great mag!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


No. 300
Editor: Chris Alexander
Publication Date: February 2011
Publisher: The Brooklyn Company, Inc.
Color covers/Full color interior
92 ppg. (including covers)
Cover price: $8.99

A monster-ously momentous occasion by all accounts, folks. FANGO has reached yet another milestone. Any magazine making it to it’s 3rd Centenary should be recognized as something special in the publishing field.

This special issue kicks off with Editor Chris Alexander, Executive Art Director William R. Mohalley (on the masthead as Art Director during the early years of FAMOUS MONSTERS), and Editor Emeritus, Anthony Timpone, who was FANGO’s editor from issue #63 until just recently ending his stint with issue #292. Besides ads and a full color pull out poster, the rest of the issue is taken up with “The Ultimate Horror Movie Guide”, which provides capsule summaries of “the morbid motion pictures that defined a subgenre, changed film history, inspired generations of fans and filmmakers or, more often than not, simply provided 90-plus minutes of visceral, well-crafted escapism.” Among the contributing writers for the Guide are such luminaries as Robert Englund, George A. Romero, Eli Roth, Gene Simmons, Lamberto Bava, Cherie Currie and Debbie Rochon. After reading through most of the entries I’d honestly be hard-pressed to disagree with any of the choices.

I bought the first issue of FANGORIA off the stands. It was during a time that I wasn’t real interested in monster ‘zines. Always my gold standard, the original run of Forry’s FAMOUS MONSTERS had dwindled from a scream to a whimper. FANGO introduced me to the new era of modern monsters while keeping one foot rooted in the legacy of the classic films before them. For that I am very grateful, as it rekindled my joy of the genre.

Happy Birthday, FANGORIA, The Magazine of Monsters, Aliens and Bizarre Creatures. I hope to be here to say something for issue 400!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


No. 88
Editor: Michael Key
Publication Date: January/February 2011
Publisher: Michael Key
Color cover/ B&W interior
64 pages including covers
Cover price: $6.99
Subscriptions: One year, 6 issues, $24.95 U.S.

Nothing majorly monstrous to mention in this issue’s MAKE-UP ARTIST, but still very informative for anyone interested in the profession. A few tidbits of terror are offered to nosh on, though. There’s a short piece on the “Monsters in the Movies” night at the Academy of Motion Picture Arts And Sciences last October to honor the work of Shane (TERMINATOR, JURASSIC PARK) Mahan. Another short piece covers a Dick Smith Tribute in Los Angeles where THE EXORCIST was screened as a part of the fun.

There is a feature article on the vampire series BEING HUMAN called “Bringing ‘Human’ to Life”. For monster fans, the highlight of the issue can be found towards the back, in the “Retro Review” column, where a new version of Fredric March’s DR. JEKYLL AND MR. HYDE, released by Turner Classic Movies is discussed. It is accompanied by several nice photos.

After the Halloween monster fest shown in the magazine, MAKE-UP ARTIST magazine nevertheless includes enough monster material, even during the “off season” to make it worthwhile for us monster ‘zine freaks.

On a closing note, you may remember that MAKE-UP ARTIST magazine is running a "most popular cover" poll on their website. Well, it now looks like the Greg Nicotero UNITED MONSTER TALENT AGENCY Creature make-up cover is barely leading after being behind for quite a while. Let's hit it out of the ballpark by taking a quick trip over there and voting for the Creature cover. Go here to vote.

Monday, January 24, 2011


Submitted for your scrutiny, a slabbed VFN copy of FAMOUS MONSTERS OF FILMLAND #18 with a "Buy It Now" price of $900. A quick look out on the rest of the 'net revealed a NM, unslabbed copy for $145. Do the math, pardner!


Hey, we're not quite done with the Kellogg's monster munchies just yet. Feel like stuffing a claw-full of Frankengummies down your gullet? Find them in the MONSTER MAGAZINE WORLD MONSTER MARKET catalogue coming soon!

Saturday, January 22, 2011


The SoCal movie house known as the Pomona Fox Theatre will be showing Universal's original DRACULA and FRANKENSTEIN to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the premiere of both films. This event is organized by multi-talented Scott Essman, the same person who produced and promoted the book and DVD on Jack Pierce a few years ago. Universal Pictures does not have a hand in this event.


I came across these cover images and stopped short. Don't some of the cover titles look like the kind typically used for Jewish or Yiddish-style fonts? Maybe this will be lost on the greater MONSTER MAGAZINE WORLD reading audience, but I can't help commenting on it.

You see, I have yet another confession to make. I'm what's known as a "fontaholic". I don't believe there's a cure for this, but frankly, I don't think one is necessary. So, please no font-addict interventions.


Friday, January 21, 2011


A Completist's Collector's Catalogue and Index for Warren Publishing
Compiled and edited by David Horne
Text and layout design by David Horne
Published by Phrona Press, Concord, California
First edition limited to 300 copies
688 pages
$34.95 US + shipping

That's right, people. You read it right. David Horne's massive Warren compendium arrived on the MYSTERIOUS MANSION's doorstep today (leaving a crack in the concrete, I might add). It came USPS Media Mail and was very well wrapped in bubble pack inside a sturdy box.

Officially titled, GATHERING HORROR, "A Completist Collector's Guide and Index to Warren Publishing", the 688-page reference work indeed, weighs in at a chunky 4 pounds according to my digital scale.

Now, I haven't scrutinized the thing yet, but I can tell you it is a perfect complement to David Roach's and Jon Cook's THE WARREN COMPANION, of whom yours truly was a contributor, I might add! At over double the page count, it is exponentially more in depth with its catalogue and indexing.

Here's a rundown of the partial contents:

> An index of all Warren U.S. editions
> Warren merchandise
> An index of Warren-related publications
> Almost 100 pages of Appendices, including
     Editor index
     Writer index
     Artist index
     Cover artist index
     Titles index
     Series index
     Warren awards
      Tons more!

I am blown away by the sheer immensity and depth of material shown in David Horne's monumental effort. I can tell you right now that GATHERING HORROR is indispensible to anyone researching Warren Publications and related material. This remarkable reference  work MUST be on every serious Monsterologist's bookshelf. Somebody'll have to go a long way to beat this out as monster book of the year . . . and it's only January!

But, wait! That's not all! David has agreed to an interview with MONSTER MAGAZINE WORLD. Believe me, I'll be thrilled to shoot some questions at him about the making of his book . . . like, did he ever get any sleep while doing this?

Now, enough chatter. Click on the eBay link below for your copy. So far, it's the only place that I know of to purchase it. Remember, there's only 300 of these babies printed so don't wait too long. And, if ya ask real nice like, the amiable Mr. Horne will inscribe your copy for you, just like he did my edition 112 of 300. Thanks also to Monsterologist Extraordinaire Mike Scott at MONSTER MAGAZINES BLOGSPOT for giving the heads up for this amazing work.



Now shipping in Europe and the UK (and soon thereafter to the States) is the latest issue of CINEMA RETRO, The Essential Guide to Movies of the 60s & 70s. As I mentioned yesterday, CR is fast becoming one of my favorite 'zines. Of particular interest was the PSYCHO special in the previous issue. A lengthy article with plenty of sidebars and tons of production and behind the scenes information made it seem like a meaty condensed version of an entire book on the subject.

Now in it's seventh year of publication, CINEMA RETRO is beginning what it calls its newest "season", as each year's worth of issues is termed. There is much to discover in this "genre hybrid" 'zine -- spies, spoofs, super-guys, gunslingers, including a heapin' dollup of retro cheesecake filling!

Here’s the highlights from Issue #19:
  • The Blu-ray release of The Exorcist with Matthew R. Bradley and Gilbert Colon's in-depth interview with author William Peter Blatty, who discusses some fascinating aspects about the making of the classic movie. There's also an abundance of facts and rare photos including a cover photo that is bound to give you the creeps.
  • Todd Garbarini has an exclusive interview with the original cougar, Angie Dickinson, who discusses Roger Vadim's quirky sex comedy/murder mystery Pretty Maids All in a Row, with Rock Hudson as a horndog high school counselor- who might also be a serial killer.
  • Lee Pfeiffer celebrates the 45th anniversary of the film version of The Sound of Music by visiting the famed Von Trapp Lodge in Vermont, where he met with Johannes Von Trapp, son of Captain and Maria.
  • Steve Saragossi presents an in-depth look at the career of an under-rated leading man of 60s and 70s cinema: Rod Taylor.
  • In part two of Matthew Field's interview with Lewis Gilbert, the famed director looks back on his "personal" films including the classic Alfie.
  • Dave Worrall takes you behind the scenes at the James Bond Aston Martin DB5 auction in London
  • Tim Greaves examines the off-beat 60s sex comedy Here We Go 'Round the Mulberry Bush
  • Phil Gavin looks back on the history of classic Hammer horror film posters.
  • John Surles recalls his meeting with actor/singer Jimmy Dean and his role as Willard Whyte in Diamonds Are Forever.
  • Famed character actor Shane Rimmer's new autobiography S.O.S Film Industry - Gary McMahon culls comments from famed filmmakers who take issue with the direction of today's motion picture industry.
  • Adrian Smith covers Brian Clemens, director of many classic episodes of The Avengers, at his BFI tribute in London.
  • Matthew Field covers Sean Connery's appearance at the Edinburgh International Film Festival and gets to meet the Great Scot, who introduced a screening of The Man Who Would Be King.
  • More on the world of 007 in this Bond-heavy issue: Gareth Owen and Dave Worrall spend a day with director Guy Hamilton and accompany him to an outdoor London screening of Goldfinger.
  • Raymond Benson provides us with his choices of the ten best films of 1978.
  • Darren Allison covers the latest soundtracks on CD
  • Plus extensive DVD and film book reviews

Thursday, January 20, 2011


Attention all creepy comic story lovers! If'n you click on the "READ COMICS" tab right under the main title of this here blogspot, you can read the latest installment of  MONSTER COMICS WORLD. Ripped and clawed from the pages of pre-code comics history is another tale, "dripping" with terror. Take a look, why don't you? Why, you're not afraid now, are you? Heh! Heh!


This exceptional magazine of film review and comment has been around for a while, but I didn’t give it much attention until just recently. Man, am I glad I did! CINEMA RETRO, The Essential Guide to Movies of the 60s & 70s, is fast becoming a favorite of mine. Not a monster mag in the truest sense, CR is what I would call a “genre hybrid” publication, one that focuses on genre cinema, but appears by all accounts to have a soft spot for spy movies, westerns, and horror films, all served up with a healthy serving of honest-to-goodness cheescake. Not a bad mix for this monster kid!

Tune in to tomorrow’s MONSTER MAGAZINE WORLD, where I'll have a preview of the latest issue.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


What? A new FM? A more "cutting edge" FM?  My guess is that it's meant to be FM's tatooed love child.

From the press release . . .

"LOS ANGELES, CALIF., January 14, 2011 - In the wake of last year's successful resurrection of Famous Monsters of Filmland, the legendary brand is proud to announce that it will soon expand its publishing line-up. May 2011 will see the debut of FM Underground, a bimonthly dark carnival in magazine form that will offer a fun, irreverent take on the horror genre and its staggering pop culture influence.

"This new magazine will feature a more 'in your face' approach to horror," says Famous Monsters publisher Philip Kim. "FM Underground will bring all the best artwork and writing that readers have come to expect from Famous Monsters and take you beyond filmland for a visceral experience with a razor's edge tone, and a so-close-you-might-get-smacked look at horror, comics, music, video games, and more."

The 96-page debut issue of FM Underground will feature a special section devoted to '80s shock, as well as coverage of contemporary movies, literature, music, art, and comic books. Underground #1 includes interviews with the icon of fear, John Carpenter (Halloween, The Thing), legendary exploitation auteur Frank Henenlotter (Basket Case, Bad Biology), and best-selling novelist Jack Ketchum (Off Season, The Girl Next Door), as well as filmmakers Fred Dekker (Monster Squad, Night of the Creeps) and Tom Holland (Fright Night, Child's Play), writer Steve Niles (30 Days of Night, Criminal Macabre), and world-renowned tattoo artist Bob Tyrrell.

Editorial duties will fall to award-winning writer and entertainment journalist April Snellings. Besides her extensive contributions to popular horror magazine Rue Morgue, Snellings' work has appeared in numerous publications, including Famous Monsters of Filmland, Fangoria, and MovieMaker. "FM Underground will give Famous Monsters a chance to bring its signature style of fun, thoughtful coverage to the many aspects of horror/fantasy," Snellings says. "Besides covering the more subversive trends in genre movies, we'll also dig into music, books, comics, even eerie art. If Famous Monsters is the three-ring circus under the bigtop, we're the sideshow your parents wouldn't let you go anywhere near. You really won't want to miss this!"

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Limited Edition
Editor: David Davey
Publication Date: October, 2010
Publisher: David Davey
Color cover/ B&W interior
68 ppg. (including covers)
Cover price: $10.00
Pre-orders and subscriptions:

Unveiled as a limited edition last year at the Chiller Theatre Convention, I have high hopes for UNDYING MONSTERS. Not yet fully formed, the brand new monster movie print magazine has a promising beginning. Subtitled, “Where Old Monsters Never Die”, editor and publisher Dave Davey is at the helm and charts his thematic course with both feet planted firmly in the classic era. Despite familiar territory, UNDYING MONSTERS can almost be called wholly original. Any claims of derivation would have to be of a kind similar to that of FAMOUS MONSTERS OF FILMLAND, especially with the FRANKENSTEIN 1970 Filmbook found in the issue.

Vintage monster movies covered in this issue are REVENGE OF THE ZOMBIES, THE UNDEAD, and the aforementioned Frankenstein flick. Other notable articles are on Bela Lugosi’s Ygor character and EC Comics.

Film coverage is pretty much limited to a re-telling of the plot, and production and other information is sparse. However, the writing is engaging and if you want to experience the film without actually re-watching it, this is a good way to go.

What is most noteworthy about UNDYING MONSTERS is the profusion of photos accompanying each article. Boasting over 100 “never before seen photos”, they appear to be either very sharply reproduced screen caps or maybe a trove uncovered from an archival source. The usual film still developer’s marks are not in evidence, so I suspect it could be the former. In any event, the addition of abundant photos gives the overall sense that this magazine is intended to be more of a pictorial celebration of the monster movie legacy rather than a textual one. Fellow monster lovers, that is not a bad thing at all.

MONSTER MAGAZINE WORLD has reported that the first “official” issue of UNDYING MONSTERS is due from Mr. Davey sometime in March. It will be interesting to see if the editorial premise holds. In any event, I am waiting in anticipation for another fine stroll down the lane where old monsters never die.

Monday, January 17, 2011


Yet another example of monster munchies, this time by Kellogg's. Mebbe they figured you could throw a few of these on your corn flakes? If you decide to buy a package of these from the upcoming MONSTER MAGAZINE WORLD MONSTER MARKET catalogue, you might just be able to try it yourself.